Thank you, Paul Street, there’s no mincing of words here. White supremacist man is the most lethal weapon on this planet. It’s taken me 74 years to fully realise that we are not the nice guy after all, despite all the rhetoric that would have us believe otherwise. Eyes wide open now. OMG. I pray we are reaching a tipping point where things can definitely change for the better.

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You speak for SO many more, at this point in our short history! We, as a nation are finally seeing our true reflection in the mirror upheld by our courageous college and university students. Let's do all that we possibly can to support their efforts!

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Trying exactly that in Iowa City.

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With her performance as armed executioner of the family dog, Noem is also proving to her intended audience that "even a woman" can be as heartless, cruel, and domineering as any MAGA white supremacist male. Reminds me of Demi Moore in that disgusting "GI Jane" movie. Your subscribers, I'm sure, are clear that not only do such "successes" do nothing to improve the lives of the rest of us; they actually "succeed" by their contributions to enforcing the oppressive relations of patriarchy and capitalism imperialism.

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Indeed. Thanks for that. BTW down in Iowa there's much the same energy with Kim Reynolds and Jonie Ernst; the latter campaigned on among other things her gutsy castration of farm animals as well as her military record!

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Not being easily trained, not doing what you are told, and having the stink of any kind of difference, nonconformity, or individuality is absolutely enough to get you killed under fascism. The message is those who don't fall in line and those who refuse to take orders will be eliminated, which I believe is something Herr Trump has stated? She hated her puppy, because it did not come programmed to do things to her liking. Maybe an obedient AI robot dog, coming soon, brought to you by Tesla will be just right for our sweet Kristi? Boy do I feel sorry for her kids. These assholes always have plenty of kids, to populate the future with damaged mutants.

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I’d still be optimistic about free-thinking. You never know…. We just have to be prepared to do whatever is necessary. No caving in.

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Your latest brings some new avenues for John Donnie’s poem with the lines “When thou weep’st. unkindly kind,/My life’s blood doth decay.” Oy!

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"By their fruits, you will know them." From Matthew 7:16-20. I don't identify as Christian but I recognize the truth of this simple statement. We in this world are up against a dangerous, cunning, and perfidious movement! We just and compassionate people of the USA better prepare to meet and disarm the enemies of peace and justice in the world we want to create,

"by any means necessary"!

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Thanks Paul! My take: To those who say governor Kristi Noem won't be Trump's Vice President because she said she shot her puppy: She has just made herself the ideal candidate. The cruelty is the point. And she is saying what she is going to do to people. People said Trump would not be president after he hated the disabled, after he promoted rape, after he promoted lying, after his sadism, after he used a pandemic to kill a million of us, on and on. But all that just fed his movement. Because it's fascism. If you think Trump is stupid, you're stupid. Because it's fascism, stupid. Refuse Fascism

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You may be right!

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QED - Something is wrong indeed. Something wicked this way comes. Buyer beware.

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This is why you can't trust any politicians because old Kristi is in bed with the rinos and the Democrats. She's also of that filthy wealth which makes up all politicians. Donald Trump would be better off nominating his pet dog for his running mate because at least the dog would show zero shits against these idiots.

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Don't know how but you get better and better in verbalizing the absurd

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Aging like wine?!

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