A starving dog in Gaza
“…the sad fact of the matter is that Cruella Kristi Noem had reason to think that boasting in print about psychopathic heartlessness might work to her political advantage. A harsh fact that gets lost in our puppy-loving rejection of her demented insanity is that US society and political culture are poisoned by ubiquitous, callous, and parasitic cruelty – cruelty to all sentient beings, dogs and humans and birds and …you name it. The taproot of this cruelty is the capitalist system, for which there is no higher purpose in life than the egoistic pursuit of private accumulation and appropriation and under whose rule humanity is mired in soulless, savagely rat race of each against all. This vile system contaminates everything it touches, including the natural environment we all share with other living things…As Democrats decry Cruella Noem’s murder of a single dog in South Dakota, try to imagine how many beloved family cats and dogs have been murdered along with 40,000 Palestinian human beings, mostly women and children, by the genocide that Israel has inflicted for half a year with the support and protection of Joe Biden and most of the Democratic Party.”
Our cruelty, inseparably linked to our capitalism, is richly bipartisan
A puppy-killing psychopath who hopes to be the 2024 running mate of Donald “Poisoning Our Blood” Trump
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