Well said, Oreo! What we need are a few good dogs on the Supreme Court. Paul, we might not be able to affect policies in the short term, but, frankly, reading and hearing your thoughts via your postings gives me a bit of hope--I find almost no one with whom I come into contact, on a daily basis, has any sense of the imminent dangers we face. Keep up the good work.

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Thnx I'm in regular contact with people who get it and who help me get it but so far the majority are not paying serious attention. And that's dangerous AF.

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Has Biden now been given the legal right to act as Trump did to remain in office whether he wins or not? Does that mean we should be prepared for civil war? I try to think a step ahead but I'm no match for the evil strategies of the Trump "geniuses."

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What he should but won't do is to immediately issue a warrant for Trump's arrest as an 'immediate threat' to our democracy and charge him with "treason" along with the rest of his mentally deficient crowd.

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Air strikes on Florida?

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I said the other day after the Bowman loss,American so-called "democracy" died and was enabled to die by a foreign fascist supporting lobby in Washington; and not anything was said about that travesty.

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Yes, I’ve meant to look specifically, because I certainly haven’t come across ANYTHING reading the ‘news.’ The only acknowledgement was in my pods and Substacks. But of course, why I expected a public discussion or even mention of the fascistic beheading of Jamal Bowman by US and Israeli forces, I’ll never know. But I did, I thought it would be talked about everywhere. I forgot.

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Judges made good Nazis

ny times

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With the serious internal divisions among the States, over so many matters, we're actually too divided to even mount a revolution, which is about the only corrective measure left, to deal with our runaway government apparatus. Everything else has been tried over and over and over again!!! Now with this latest overreach by those shysters on the Supreme Court, we are watching yet more if not the final step of the "Great Unraveling" many predicted ages ago. The time is past for all of our flannel-mouth lawyers to whine about this mess,, it's time for action NOT more worthless words!

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Soon begins the search for the "November criminals."

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