Our wretched form of actually existing capitalism appears to be unmentionable in mainstream media...the bosses owe too much to it. I have listened a good deal to the great Marxist economist Richard Wolff, who makes, I think, a good point. He claims the West (meaning the US, GB, the EU, NATO, and a few hangers-on are part of a dangerous, but declining empire, up to no good to prove their virility against the rising capitalist empire, the BRIX countries, China and India particularly.

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"Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number-

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you-

Ye are many - they are few."

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I've responded to every greeting of "Happy New Year," with a "No, thanks."

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In reading about the death of Jimmy Carter during this transition to 2025 I was struck by recounts of the fall of the Shah and the desperate attempts of the US to maintain or regain control of Iran and the surrounding resource rich areas. Without opposition from within the US and the west to capitalism and its unavoidable byproducts — including ecoside and genocide — the religious fundamentalism in Iran is now perhaps the greatest obstacle to the spread of US funded Zionism.

MSM’s reporting of the wee hour New Year’s Day violence on Bourbon Street reminded me of the similar reporting done over 60 years ago when Kennedy was assassinated. MSM just puts out whatever is put in front of them by greater powers. If any serious investigation or verification of that information is attempted and it contradicts the government’s line, it is typically squelched.

But Happy New Year, anyway. You and all trying to lay it out have your work cut out for you.

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Jimmy Mujahideen Carter.

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Americans are as immersed in a particularly savage version of oligarchic capitalism as fish in water. As the American corporate empire comes tumbling down having run into a BRIC wall the capitalist rats are fleeing the sinking ship leaving the passengers to shoot each other up and drive cars into each other enriching Exxon Mobil even further. If it's good for GM it's good for America. Sometimes the medicine is just bitter for proles to swallow.

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I’m unsure how to get ready. Will there be a first shoe to drop or a whole Imelda Marcos Project 2025 sized closet full coming at once? The ghouls are already slipping out of the closet. Anything goes.

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Mass deportation campaign seems the most likely opening test. Possibly Chicago as focus, but who knows

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My state of residence, New Mexico, and neighboring Arizona have stated they will not cooperate. How will this shake out? As you say, who knows? Texas most likely will be all in. Adios to entire sections of their workforce and historic segments of that state’s culture.

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I've lived in NM for 46-years - Texas is too close - I wish there were a way to keep Texans out.

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You look so festive but where is your happy face.

When will the world stop looking at what's happening in the Middle East and demand stopping the persecution of Arab people living on their home lands.

Stay safe Paul cause lots of nut jobs out there. Keep Oreo from harms way as well.... I'm kinda paranoid living in today's world.

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Armed self defense is legit. The Second Amendment goes away in the revolutionary socialist Republic but as long as it's in place there's no reason to give the right a monopoly on guns.

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Happy, I think, New Year, Paul. Many are dreading Jan. 20. We shall see.

Let the firings begin!

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