Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the people who keep this wild and wacky revolutionary corner of the Internet called The Paul Street Report alive — and here I mean not just my financial supporters but all who read and watch my commentaries and listen to my occasional music recordings.
I’m NOT going to say “Happy New Year” because (a) you have probably heard that dozens of times already today, (b) I already said it to at least 20 people out on the dog-walking trails this morning, and (c) really? Happy New Year? Seriously? …look at the horrific collection of monstrous Republi-fascist oppressors gearing up to take back the executive branch of the world’s most dangerous country (the USA) in 19 days —- taking it back from a monstrous group of imperialist oppressors who have criminally granted massive military and financial support to a genocidal war of ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
US American political years tend to suck but 2024 sucked more and harder than any such year in recent memory thanks to the continued and worsened US-Israel genocidal war on Gaza, the return election of a flat-out Hitler-channeling fascist (Donald “Poisoning Our Blood” Trump) to the US imperial presidency, and the Supreme Court’s granting of open-ended arch-authoritarian legal immunity to Trump for any past or future crimes he has committed or will commit as part of his real or supposed “official duties” as president. (I call that July 1, 2024 decision the Supremes’ “Reichstag Fire Ruling.”).
Get ready for some serious shit and struggle!
A recent USA Today Op-Ed is titled “2024 Was a Bad Year for Basic Decency in America; You Can Thank Trump for That” (emphasis added). The title conveys some understandable horror and disgust but it misses the mark: we can thank capitalism-imperialism for the horror and sickness that is Trump and Trumpism. The Orange Assface of American Fascism (OAAF) and his deranged backers are the product of a class rule system that needs to be taken down and replaced with a revolutionary socialist republic.
Let’s make our ruling class and its parasitic, imperialist, and eco-cidal profit system own the coming atrocities of the Trump-Vance regime in 2025. Then let’s rise up in the thousands and then the tens of thousands and then the hundreds of thousands and then the millions and then the tens of millions against that regime and its allies and against the system that vomited these new Amerikan fascists up. They and the capitalist order that created them are profound menaces to humanity and other living things.
Best slogan I heard in 2024 came from the Revcoms: “No Fascist Trump, No Genocide Joe, the Whole Damn System's Got to Go!”
Our wretched form of actually existing capitalism appears to be unmentionable in mainstream media...the bosses owe too much to it. I have listened a good deal to the great Marxist economist Richard Wolff, who makes, I think, a good point. He claims the West (meaning the US, GB, the EU, NATO, and a few hangers-on are part of a dangerous, but declining empire, up to no good to prove their virility against the rising capitalist empire, the BRIX countries, China and India particularly.
"Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number-
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many - they are few."