Well, good that you have that playing skill. You wrote, "One month after I did this, Hamas broke through in southern Israel and the stage was set for the despicable and genocidal US-Israel Crucifixion of Gaza - the “Israel-Hamas War.”
Well, we of course know your slant on this conflict, but notice how you put things after the fact:
Hamas: "broke through in Southern Israel" [very neutral]
Israel: "despicable and genocidal US-Israel Crucifixion of Gaza" [hardly neutral]
I guess the influx of Hamas on 10/7 was just a tap on the shoulder and a punch in the nose?
Yeah, but you're pretty much off here. There's zero embrace of Hamas or 10-7 in my writing. Zero. You may have me confused with some left voices who have defended 10-7, like that creep with the idiotic PSL...what's his name (can't recall...their VP candidate). Nope, not me. I'm not one of those. I agree 100% with the Revcoms and others that Islamic fundamentalism ala Hamas, Hezbollah, and the theocratic regime atop Iran are profoundly reactionary forces and not at all forces for liberation. The "tap on the shoulder and punch in the nose" comment of yours is pretty moronic. That said, how do you feel about 1200 vs. 25,000 and the displacement of 85% of a population and the imposition of mass starvation and the bombing of hospitals and the leveling of urban areas with 2000-pound US made bombs and dead babies and children being pulled out of smoking rubble? How are you with genocidal ethnic cleansing, Manny Katz?
Well, good that you have that playing skill. You wrote, "One month after I did this, Hamas broke through in southern Israel and the stage was set for the despicable and genocidal US-Israel Crucifixion of Gaza - the “Israel-Hamas War.”
Well, we of course know your slant on this conflict, but notice how you put things after the fact:
Hamas: "broke through in Southern Israel" [very neutral]
Israel: "despicable and genocidal US-Israel Crucifixion of Gaza" [hardly neutral]
I guess the influx of Hamas on 10/7 was just a tap on the shoulder and a punch in the nose?
Yeah, but you're pretty much off here. There's zero embrace of Hamas or 10-7 in my writing. Zero. You may have me confused with some left voices who have defended 10-7, like that creep with the idiotic PSL...what's his name (can't recall...their VP candidate). Nope, not me. I'm not one of those. I agree 100% with the Revcoms and others that Islamic fundamentalism ala Hamas, Hezbollah, and the theocratic regime atop Iran are profoundly reactionary forces and not at all forces for liberation. The "tap on the shoulder and punch in the nose" comment of yours is pretty moronic. That said, how do you feel about 1200 vs. 25,000 and the displacement of 85% of a population and the imposition of mass starvation and the bombing of hospitals and the leveling of urban areas with 2000-pound US made bombs and dead babies and children being pulled out of smoking rubble? How are you with genocidal ethnic cleansing, Manny Katz?
Yup good keyboard work Paul. You should do a gig here in Falmouth_ MA.
I'll have some of my people contact some of your people and we can get the concert date set.