This just in from Faux News, some absolutely verified, evidence-based information that is now part of the “shared reality” we call American politics: The denizens of Mar-a-largo, Trump’s shit hole gated mansion and all the Florida communities in its proximity are eating Donald Trump’s shit. I know, it’s a shocking revelation, but it’s true and that’s why the folks in my neck of the woods call Trump and his MAGA army shitheads! For them, eating shit is no big deal. It’s like the Haitians eating pets, which is a verified fact, right? The Trumpsters have gotten used to Herr Trump’s fecal burgers over the years, just like all the obese Americans who have adjusted to eating cheese burgers, french fries and pizzas and other shitty fast food that makes heart disease in America the number one killer! For these folks, having heart disease, diabetes and way too much body fat has been normalized, just like eating Donald’s toxic turds has been normalized for the MAGAts. In other words, the shit heads have been habituated to eating Trump’s shit and they’re OKAY with it. Somehow, there’s a benefit derived from ingesting Donny’s lie-infused stools… The question remaining for enterprising investigative journalists searching for a story out there in TV Land is, does Donny’s shit have real peanuts in it?

As for me, as a dedicated whole foods, plant-based eater, I proudly stand with poet E.E. Cummings’ character, Olaf, Glad and Big, who said: “There is some shit I will not eat!"

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As a follow up, her post today provides a link between a series of stories she has written, including near its end, the story on female personhood.

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It's a bit arrogant of me to recommend to you a Substack souce on CF. However....

You statement on CF about it being ready, wiling and able is true, but perhaps not complete. If you are not already following her, Andra Watkins writes on 2025 and how it is in lockstep with CF.

In particular she writes about where CF laws/policies are already in place. Easy examples: Louisiana Ten Commenst law and Oklahoma trying to get a Bible in every classroom.

She recently wrote out a list of statues, policies and law cases which are part qnd parcel of CF.

It may be in Texas, but one state is/was considering removing quidance counselors and replacing them with pastors. Why? To a CF, rhe solution to a student problem is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, to read the Bible and to pray. That's it.

Just one of many step by CF to indoctrinate the young (students) into accepting the tenants of CF.

Her entire effort in her substack account is to unpack the CF ideology contained in 2025. Her point is that its language means something completely different to a CN than it would to a lay person, and making that translation is what she does. In particular, she identifies the biblical passages in play, how they are understood by CF, they are used by the CF to drive their political agenda, how they show up in Trump world, what they will do to our lives and how these ideas are a clear and present danger (November) to American.

For example, a recent article illuminates the CF attack on female personhood, which is almost exclusively based on the creation myth of Genesis, which is taken as fact (no suprise there), how it is their aim to impose that myth on America, and the consequences thereof.

(As an aside, you may have met Marilyn Robison while she was still living in Iowa City. Her latest book is called 'Reading Genisis' which she reads as a theodicy, and from it one can see, from her exegesis, how theologically wrong are CF. This is important to me, at least, to be able to respond with something other than just yelling at a CF that he or she is crazy; I can now say your reading of Genesis, for example, is a ridiculously ridiculous reading of Genises.)

Andra Watkins has a remarkable life story which gives her the expertise needed for what she does. She is a writer, one of her books, 'Not Without My Father' was a NYT best seller. Maybe best off all: she responds, and responds thoughtfully, to just about every post, a policy she and you share.

If you are already following her, I apologize for the soliloqu because you already know all of this.

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BTW Avakian started noticing and warning about the new Amerikaner Christian Fascism back in the 1990s. His book on The Bible and the Koran ---- "Away with All Gods" --- is a great read.

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Will check her Andra Watkins Substack out. Never met Marilyn Robinson

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Spot on again, Paul, but I'm afraid you're pushing that huge stone up a steeper hill.what about that baseball/football,basketball game "last night" goes the sports enslaved American population. Do you think the Russians/Chinese/Iranians will tamper with the election cry the hysterical talking heads on garbage msm.

I like the many uses of the word inured, but the saddest use is "we are now becoming inured" to the mass Israeli/American slaughter of Palestinians. If climate change doesn't take humanity down, human uncontaminated mass slaughter of one another will.

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I like most sports except US football :) I fear the unstated effect and perhaps intent is to inure us to violent population reductions on a scale never seen in history.

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why else have americans been fed a steady diet of guns, violence, explosions, crime, disaster, zombie and doom films the past 50 years?

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