May 9, 2023Liked by Paul Street

I’m struck by the Sharlet quote, “It’s an innocence cult.” About 5 decades ago, my old man told me that unintentional evil

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May 9, 2023Liked by Paul Street

Is worse than intensional evil. Get past the relativisticness of it and makes sense. To quote Avakian, “The military says to its soldiers, “Thank you for your service”, when it should say, “Fuck you for your service.” At least affirming the evil of war and the military intent. Similarly, the Christian fundamentalist towards women, the Repub fasc with guns. Whether despots sending cannon fodder to commit genocides, misogynists, patriarchal, murdering enslavers of women, or demented, fetishisers of guns hiding behind unintentional/innocence as a ruse. The destruction of the ecosystem by conscious decision or momentary lapse of reason could have and would be countered by a revolutionary way forward, emancipation of humanity.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Paul Street

Pretty amazing somebody can actually put on a 'Right Wing Death Squad' patch. Does he in his head actually think he is on the 'good' side? Death Squads are after all... death squads.

"I think we might be the baddies!"

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May 9, 2023Liked by Paul Street

True - the major media cannot tell this same truth because it would expose the lie that Americans tell ourselves and that is we are better than all of this. We’re not. In fact, we’re worse. Much worse. A country built on genocide, slavery and the largest military in the world can’t let people know this. People might, I don’t know , rethink their priorities. Maybe even ask what the heck are we doing?

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Our own government-the duopoly- is pushing fascist policies with all their Saber rattling and sanction declarations at: China (non white),

Cuba (non white),

South America (non white) Russia (Eurasia no quite white).

We're breeding FWGs here and abroad. Death squads by "lone wolfs" the end result.

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These mass murders and serial killers aren't 'Deranged White Guys' as MSM likes to portray them. They are arrogant racists who believe justice and a better world can only be made violently. Their murderous hands alone can bring justice and a return to a better world by enforcing terrorist silence on 'subhumans'. They are enraged with the certain knowledge their incompetence and foolish hubris will deny them the wealth and acclaim they arrogantly 'deserve'.

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deletedMay 11, 2023Liked by Paul Street
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