I’d like to say the hyper macho connection in our governing systems, with a growing police state and the ALWAYS imperialist/colonialist that now as perfumed heavily, still acts in glorifying itself as patriotism ( nationalism ). All in glorifying ‘the gun toting bravado’; of course as for the young impressionable, that grabs daddy’s gun too. Mass shooters are guys, I personally like to show in this, is a sick putrid Patriarchy ( again maniac/machosim) which is heavily backed by not only old white men predominately, running everyone’s world. When you think of a school shooter, no different In looking at Hitler’s youth ie: (Rittenhouse). Except look how the police (state) type officers on the scene, cuddled him into their fold, as some kind of hero. Plus goofy evangelical types putting up bail for the little monster.So we have the well engrained love for guns ( violence) as acceptable behavior and now don’t put guns down just pick up the Bible and pray …( prey). You know lol isn’t the gun a projective device lol of extended genitalia?

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Thanks for articulating your reasoning. All I can see is red, all I can do is swear at the profanity of violence.

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The role of guns and psychotropic drugs in interfering with mental health is criminal.

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Violence is the apex of who we are as Americans that glorifies and celebrates it at every level of our society, alas.

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First NFL game of the season rolled out last night with a creepy flyover of Arrowhead Stadium by a B2 Stealth Bomber near the end of the National Anthem.

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Keep up the good work.

I understand that Aaron Burr had something to do with the filibuster after he shot Alexander Hamilton.

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While I agree with you regarding the impact of the gun culture, in the U.S., via the 2d Amendment, and the righteous attitude displayed by those Americans who have placed the 2d above all other amendments in their estimation, I wish that someone would explain to me, after having asked hundreds of such religious gun-toters over several decades, without receiving a rational response, why, in light of the 6th Commandment, straight from God, that Thou Shalt Not Kill, do guns outnumber people in this "Christian country." If churches want to continue to qualify as tax-free institutions, they should be legally held to their precepts, and demonstrating the de jure status of the 6th would be a good place to start. Anything less seems fraudulent, and those institutions should be taxed. That might prove to be a foot in the door that could, someday, lead to revoking the 2d, and stop the endless killing.

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Sure, but have you read the Holy Bible?

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Yes, I've read enough to have become a confirmed atheist.

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I really am mystified why your podcast is not watched and/or listened to by millions of people. It is entertaining and educational. I appreciate being pointed to perspectives I haven’t considered before. Of course, I am predisposed to agree with you most of the time. I did not realize the blue line shooting victims were probably homeless people, therefore “unworthy” victims.

I will say that I believe Thom Hartmann goes into a lot of the same points about the constitution, the 2nd amendment and school shootings, and even some of the foreign policy issues you raise, but of course from a totally reformist, DNC/FBI/CIA type of perspective.

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anti-communism and professional class gatekeeping are keys to that.

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bear in mind I have only just now discovered the awesome power of video here.

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Pardon me for inserting this frivolity into the comments section dealing with a very serious topic, but given your (Paul's) appreciation of music, I thought you might be interested in a song that attempts to reconcile Jesus and violence. AI's Paul McBotney did the music but I, John Lenin, wrote the lyrics. (My apologies to Carrie Underwood.)


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