Partisl response today. I live in AZ, one of those states that will make a national. But what about the state level

Arizona has a deficit 1/2 of which is school vouchers. However, for the for the first time in 30 years the Democratic party is one senstevand one state rep on taking control of both. Without doubt the voucher program would be rolled back.

Second, reprent oductive rights are still on the ballot as voters initiative wuedyoon to make it a state constitutional right. This is despite the fact the 1840s law criminalizing abortion was overturned with republican votes. The recent abortion law is still on the books ready to take effect when the old law is deemed inapplicabile.

Third, Arizona now has a democratic Secretary of State, Attorney General and Governor

Our governor has spent most of her time vetting draconian republican bills, while Iowa has a republican govenor who will sign off on anything. Recently, the AZAG indicted many of the usual participants in the illegal drive to overturn the election and and Electoral College fraudulent electors.

With regard to judicial integrity and the 2020 election, AZ courts have tossed every fraudulent election

case filed in State or federal. Especially important since AG and Seccretary of State were won by incredible thin margins

Also, the prior Republican Governor managed over 8 years to appoint every single AZ Supreme Court Justice. Two of Justices who voted to uphold the old abortion bill srebup for retention, and Republicans are so worried they will not be retained a ( which requires a mere 40% pro retention vote) they trying to circumvent the retention processel

I live in Pinal County AZ which is a MAGA haven. Hard to believe but are last federal rep was Paul Gossard who was replaced by Andy

Biggs due to gerrymandering. However at the last Pinal County Board whit male Republican,

To be continued.....

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Im glad for your reply. I am finding it very difflcult to type today, so I will try again either tommorrow or Tuesday.

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With regard to an aftermath, inherent to your commentry is a fslde equivilenv

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What will you say if Trump wins: don't blame me, I didn't tell you not to vote for Biden? Don't blame me, I didn't tell you to vote against Trump?

In Article after article you write how voting is a crum thrown to the rabble that is meaningless exercize in a pseudo democracy, and there is no difference between Trump and Biden because the occupier of the president doesn't run the country. So:

If Trump would stop the Genicide Joe policies in Gaza would you vote for him?

If Trump would stop the war in Ukraine by ceasing the NATO policy of isolating Russia would you vote for him?

Knowing he will persecute the media if elected would you vote for him?

Knowing he will continue to stack the USSC would you vote for him?

Knowing he will round up the brown folks and deport them with out due process would you vote for him?

Knowing he will turn the Justice Department into a private srmy of revenge?

Do your calls for a political/social/economic revolution leave you without a dog in the fight?

The choice between domestic and international policies is clear, so would you vote for Trump, given the above, since substacking for a revolution will not bring one about before the November election?

You seem to have a bit of a brain fog about this, but you can vote and that will require you to do more than washing your hands while declaring a pox on both houses; even Chomsky voted for Biden because he knew one candidate was a better choice

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You just can't jump your mind out the bourgeois ballot box. It's like a coffin for the mind you are partly exposing here. You've got brain fog on steroids my friend. It's darkly amusing that you think I'm just about Substack. I guess cuz I write on Substack. Okay, no.

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And this aftermath question is a real thing. If you pour all your heart and mind energy into the election, you will have nothing for the aftermath, which is going to be a hell of a time whether your Biden vote contributed to a victory or not. Take eyes off the election a bit. Btw unless you live in one of the six or contested states your vote will be irrelevant to outcome. What do you think of that?

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And BTW I have done and know the major party electoral thing very well, too well. I'vde done my time in that world, trust me.

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Even with the fascist shit that Trump represents, senior libs and progressives are finding that the LEV lecures aren't working on kids, not with the shit Biden has pulled. They're not having it, not with the images of Palestinian families buried in the rubble of US bombs, not with an executive order rolling back asylum rights worse than Trump's, not with the collapse of livable ecology that Biden ain't doing shit really to address, not with......fill in the blank...

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