The passage I quoted from Avakian can be read here.
See this for Avakian on how there’s no right to eat under capitalism.
Me on the absurdity of the US constitutional order (one of many pieces I’ve done on that topic):
A book I did ten years ago on class rule in the USA: They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy.
On the contadiction between capitalism and health see Gabor Mate, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture
Today’s audio is a follow up to this audio by me yesterday.
A key Avakian book on capitalist and socialist democracy and communist revolution.
An excellent statement of Marx’s position on rights, democracy, and equality under capitalism/bourgeois class rule.
Next audio from me: why I’m not telling folks to vote for Biden (or not to vote for Biden, for that matter).
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