This is getting into our sub-societal-structure and yea what a fetish we have on elections. So much invested into winning- and then checking out (whew, my side won). We are spinning round and round without any accountability. The pissed off just change sides with the complacent over the same few issues, election after election. No transparency either- just unchecked greed, corruption and carelessness for the future by a uniparty.

I don't know what this future is for the lockstep Democratic party in the congressional minority. I don't see anyone imagining a way out either, just a lot of denial- at least that will end next week. It needs to erupt in division and radical discourse.

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Lesser evilism plays into the hands of capitalism. Anyone who votes for any capitalist party is a traitor to the people.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Among the excellent points raised in Gerstein's emaciation of GOP, Please advocate for "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" to require disclosure of straight payroll labor expense, broken out as a separate item from each of Cost of Goods Sold, R&D, and SG&A, on the EVERY standard "income (P&L) statement" published.

Labor expense is cunningly and purposely hidden in capitalist accounting since inception (ever wonder why?) and no one questions it! And it's the labor that spreads the wealth around in the economy, as i won't preach here. Please also put this item on an agenda!

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

If joe Biden (let's go Brandon) were really worried about FASCISM, why did Biden take Meir Kahane's political movement OFF the US terror list, 6 months(!) BEFORE Bibi Netanyahu returned to power with a Meir Kahane-like party member? US demokrazy is joking. So much ink wasted.

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