Our Constitutional order is indeed flawed, along the lines you suggest. Nonetheless we must make the most of it to block the fascist tide, along with whatever other tools we have, such as mass action in the streets, until better tools are at hand.

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Of course any decent human being wants Trump convicted and incarcerated. That said, it's not "our constitutional order," its theirs/the ruling classes' constitutional and imperialist order. I'd recommend reading this --- it presupposes a socialist revolution, of course, but I think its very useful to draft an alternative constitution. If you don't like this one draft another one. :) https://revcom.us/socialistconstitution/SocialistConstitution-en.pdf

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I seem to recall Cassidy Hutchison initially gave false testimony to the January 6 committee. She later corrected that testimony and then testified during the hearings themselves. Give that, she can be impeached wih prior inconsistent statements given under oath, and as I recall, there is no one to corroborate this part of her testimony. I would agree the dice should be rolled, but the risk the credibility of testimony under oath could defeat the indictment is real, and she was not subected to any meaningful crisd examination.

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I’m concerned that a Biden victory in the 2024 election will continue and even exacerbate his warmonging-imperialist foreign policy. Don’t know if Deep State will pull back the reins to avert a cataclysmic event but I think they think in a cautionary fashion, and possibly continue with Cold War 2 with coup jamboree in Africa and continue to threaten states unaligned with Eurasian movement with

economic warfare..

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Biden and company were apparently mesmerized by the delusion that the MAGAs were "friends from across the aisle" and discovered much to their chagrin that they are actually fascists who aimed to overthrow the Constitution--enemies of Democracy and all that is decent and virtuous In the pursuit of governance that serves the common good.

When Lunch-bucket Joe and his conciliatory cronies emerged from their stupor and realized the nefarious intentions of the GOP MAGA morons, it was late in the game, but hopefully not too late to avert a civil war. If Biden prevails in the next rigged election, he and the neoliberals in his orbit will face the Herculean task of transforming the unjust socio-economic conditions that paved the way for Trump's malignant presidency 2016, and if they fail to do so, history will only repeat itself.

In addition to the climate crisis, the greatest hurdle facing the leaders of the hoped for democratic resurrection that Don Quixote and the rest of us progressive-minded citizens prefer, is the obscene inequality in this country, the issue that defines the essence of the nation's commitment (or lack of it) to the values of liberty and justice for all. Here's hoping that our newly sapient leaders, transformed by their match in the ring with Trump, will see the inevitability of an eco-socialist society and formulate wise policies based on the ecological view that will set America on the road to a far happier destiny that the path to Hell envisioned by the "Tangerine-tainted" GOP. And while we're tilting at windmills, why not imagine a world that isn't based on the relentless rape of the planet's natural resources and facilitated by a permanent war economy in order to feed the capitalist mega machine.

Meanwhile, keep those pitchforks sharpened!

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what laws of history make "an eco-socialist society inevitable"? Answer: none. Only a true revolutionary socialist movement requiring massive human agency and sacrifice could bring such a thing about. There are no guarntees that it could could succeed but it must be tried for its "the revolutionary reconstitution of society at large" or "the common ruin" o0f all (Marx and

Engels, 1848). I'd be careful about buying into the "rigged election" rhetoric of the Trumpies though I am of course you mean it differently than they do.

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Thanks. Yeah, I meant "rigged" in the sense that the Electoral College and other structures are hindrances to truly free elections.

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Total concurrence on the EC. What a lethal system.

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Aug 15, 2023
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I'd say less Smith fan club and more "mass action the streets" (see Davidson, above).

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I don't think horrible outcomes (on numerous levels) can be averted without mass action in the streets and puboic squares --- and indeed without a revolutionary socialist movement for a new way of life than the capitalist one that is now ruining livable ecology at an accelerating pace.

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