I suppose unbelievers won't see or realize until we and they are face to face with the ending.

Ignorance and Stupidity and Crime abound here. on our no longer blue and green planet.

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Check out the photo I just added.

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That's a scary thought to be in that situation though, regardless of their wealth. Wrath of God type shit if I believed in that.

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People should check out what the deranged maniac said in his insane press conference today.

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Jan 8Edited

Yeah, did that and said that's crazy. T-666 is talking about Nazi like expansion into Panama and Greenland. I'm sure he's speaking for others who would not say the same out loud. And he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of America. Why? That sounds trivial and ridiculous. I'm really getting concerned about how far he's going to bend sections of the ruling class to go along with his madness. You can't know for sure what all is going on but it looks like more and more are just giving in to it. Just throw all pretense of civility and rule of law out the window, as if that was happening anyway. I think the allowance of the Israeli genocide is a sickening and blatant exposure of that. Isn't this called decadence?

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Jan 8Edited

That brings me to the concept of anarchy which most associate with chaos, disorder and all kinds of bad happenings. It literally means without a ruler though. I think the reason for that is the sickness of the culture that the people with the newly found freedom came from. If they came from a healthy culture they wouldn't engage in such destructive behavior. I know from experience it applies all the way down to the family level. I think there is one example after another of how sick modern human culture and the people in it is. It's one big dysfunctional family. Tough fix. The mommy/daddy and the kids are broken, well most of them at least.

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I know a bad daddy who voted for Trump but keeps real quiet about it while raking in the big corporate bucks. Sick AF.

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Not worth the price of admission. Why I opted out top to bottom. F what everyone else is doing. Social proof doesn't make it valid in my book. :)

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For those of your readers who want to face up to the real-life and ever-worsening dystopia all around us without looking away, this quote may offer a little support: “It is an asset to come to political understanding through personal pain: it makes possible a gut understanding of how society works as a system dependent on the personal suffering and deprivation of each of us. Such understanding is a help in building a revolutionary movement.” Meredith Tax, ‘Woman and Her Mind: The Story of Everyday Life,’ in Radical Feminism, edited by Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine, and Anita Rapone, 1973, page 27.

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I've just watched the video and agree with its basic point, that personal experience, though valuable, is insufficient. Long live the revolution. GR

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This is not conducive to a good nights sleep. I wish I was my dog

However you speak truth I see it everywhere

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We have Trump because we have such a pathetic Democratic Party - a party of war mongers - a party that does next to nothing for the poor - a party that has worked to make 3rd parties all but impossible - a party that blames those of us who see thru their empty promises for exposing them as frauds - a party that openly supports genocide and runs a candidate that denies its existence - they are the "inauthentic opposition party" - perhaps they should listen to their critics instead of attacking them for not supporting them. A party that does not welcome a progressive agenda or progressive candidates - a party that wouldn't let Bernie run so HRC could run and lose - etc. Fuck the Democratic Party for being so weak that we now have you know who again.

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IMO, we have the Dems you bemoan because of the capitalist mode of production and its political and ideological superstructure. There's no solutions under the US electoral regime.

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Jan 7Edited

Yes John. All that AND a party who can't politic (aka win elections) their way out of a wet paper bag. Democrats, once in office, are actually fairly competent at actually governing (all the above still being true). At least worlds beyond Republicans. Yet they're frustratingly utterly incompetent politically, in large part because of all you cite. Yes, again.. 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄.

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Thanks for expanding the conversation, Ken.

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sec 3 of the14th Amendment is clear as day yet not a single protest from a Congressional Dem regarding the certification of Trump's EC victory. The Vichy Dems, total capitulation.

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Jan 7Edited

The terrible, tangerine-tinted tyrant Trump aka The twisted, temper-tantruming Trump toddler aka The non truth-telling, troglodytic trash trumpster(T-666)

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The DOAAF: the despicable orange assface of Amerikan fascism.

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The demented orange oracle of the fascist United States(DOOFUS)

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not bad!

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Okay. The mark of The Orange Beast is mine. You can use it if you want. Trigger The Orange Satan worshippers. 😆 Making light of it but it's a pretty accurate description unfortunately. Their god is dead to quote a NIN song. They killed him and replaced him with The Orange Satan. Apparently he wasn't vengeful and wrathful enough for them(the old testament god). God, can you imagine?

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With Trump already threatening to take back the Panama Canal, acquire Greenland which already has a US military base and make Canada the 51st state, my hope is in a worldwide rejection of US hegemony. Instead, we’re seeing more nations drifting rightward. Perhaps Trump will be the one to deliver the wake up call on a worldwide basis. Here in the US, individual third parties are unable to deliver a nationwide alternative. Blocked by social media and corporate news media, the message of an alternative is stifled. The post George Rackley made is perhaps the only way forward. “…political understanding through personal pain…” creating the necessary mass shift. No one wants it, but it’s all that’s being offered.

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Austria just last week or so.

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Yes Paul. All you document here is as they say "Ipso facto".. facts which speak for themselves, obvious to anyone. A political columnist I think back in the 20s or 30s wrote that Americans ultimately get the president they deserve. Yes. This is a sad testament to the state of the American citizenry today. Each day 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 this man clearly, plainly showed his complete incompetence, amorality, and mental and psychological unfitness for 𝙖𝙣𝙮 leadership, much less POTUS. Yet, still unfathomable to me, Americans in blind ignorance and stupidity have reelected this shallow, damaged, mentally ill man to be the 47th president. God help us. Full dystopia is now just on the horizon.

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I know many US Americans who do not deserve this, though

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I view the outcome as the blind stupidity of the Democratic Party president, Joe Biden, supporting and blocking a resolution to the genocide in Israel. Including the Democratic Party House and Senate leaders inviting Netanyahu to speak to Congress as the genocide was unfolding. It was a bridge too far for the party faithful to support. Thus, Trump.

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Sure though I think US blank check to Israel is imperially systemic.

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Yes, @Istvan. That complete stupidity too. And the utter hubris (another form of stupidity) to run for a second term at his age, after a campaign promise to be a 'transitional president'.

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Thank you for articulating that.

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You best start believing in Cyberpunk Dystopias, YOU’RE IN ONE.

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