Thanks to all involved in the podcast featuring Sam, Andy, and you.

Yes, voting is no solution, but I’m still taking this election as an opportunity to support Marxist “vermin” by writing in the the SEP candidates Kishore & White. They’re not running with the expectation of winning then potentially being brought down by capitalism-imperialism. They’re running because the BEB gets the attention of the nation. Without these third party Marxist campaigns many Americans have little chance of breaking the thorough indoctrination that leads to their cursing or total disregard of Marxism. Many of us have rarely been exposed to serious presentations of Marxist thought. I suppose we can blame ourselves for our ignorance, but I don’t have cause to dismiss those attempting to inform.

RefuseFascism exposed many of us to Revcoms, Avakian, and a better way of organizing society. The SEP and wsws.org can do that as well.

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Huge differences on political economy and revolutionary strategy and epistemology and the role of the labor movement and on race and gender and much, more more. Not differences that can be reconciled I'm afraid, which is not to deny some areas of agreement and shared action going forward perhaps. I was a Trotskyist for three months in 1979 , back when the SWP was kind of a real thing. I read a ton of Leon and Ernest Mandel.

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I agree. In this one piece - Breakthroughs - Avakian provides an overview of the development of Marxism as a means to understand and change the world (as Marx so famously said and far too few in the West have taken to heart) and summarizes where he (Avakian) has broken with some important errors in the science (where it was not scientific) and put it on a much more solid ground. Just an excellent piece for someone new to revolutionary communism and those more familiar with other schools of thought calling themselves socialist or Marxist.

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