Reads like Raymond Chandler. Maybe Spike Jonze wld have made J. Phoenix an assistant obit writer if he had read this, in Her,that is. I need to stop working at noon anyway. Start taking two minutes to be ready to give friends a better Send up by being utterly silent for 2 because I still hear tired old betrayals blagueing when I think about goodbying grumbly musicians. Appreciate this.

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Thanks. Sadly, history, well real history, is not popular, which is part of our predicament. I had a reader suggest I write less about current US politics. This week I am honoring that suggestion. Part 2 is really good. Coming Thursday morning.

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(Less than four years later, the virulent anti-communist Churchill would go to Kansas City, Missouri, to help spark the Cold War by denouncing the Soviet “iron curtain” that had “descended across the [European] continent.”)

Churchill gave that speech in Fulton, Missouri, 125 miles east of Kansas City.

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