I have made numerous small corrections to last Thursday’s post. It appears that I put up a second draft when I needed to post a third one.

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You were circumspect here in waiting for the kind of through line between the several ignorances at play at that '42 moment that JKH is sometimes so good at drawing. In order to convince my elephant that this stage of war, is happening I am reading the Osage murders book. Keeping my theories art other minds to the minimum that says any mistaken prettiness such as the sea cruise idea of France extends out into the horizon of ideas you can hold fast.

My other persuasion I am trying to work on myself is to say differently than Jung that we have the seed of becoming our local most mercenary character. Like here in Toledo where soldier of fortune was for a time, not Hess but specifically a Blackwater is my shadow. It is better for my immediate perception of World to not backside into like the Atlantic punctuating every article with Problem Solved.

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Let Mr Hurst be your weekly reminder on his Techtonic show on Wfmu abou the small control to be gained from internet hygiene.

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Nov 10, 2022
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"How is it that you associate Fascism with the far right?" I have received hundreds if not thousands of inane comments over the many years but that honestly may take top prize for sheer unmitigated knuckle-dragging mental fecklessness. Stunning.

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