Why not both? Actually, another third one leading off comes quickly to mind.

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well, cuz of what I said in most of the essay. Demonizing folks for being felons is problematic in class-race terms given "the new Jim Crow" and when liberals and progressives use it against him they are raising Trump's profile among some folks, sadly. I mean if you want to note the absurdity of Trump being promoted despite his felony convictions by people who routinely engage in discrimination against other and disproportionately non-white people with felony records that's something else but you have to say that and be very clear that you do not back the blanket stigmatization and demonization of felons. I personally don't think this is a tough one. I'd drop the Felony thing and go with Fascist. And how is fascist not good enough in and of itself? What the F could be worse than being a fascist?! Is there anything worse a human being can be, politically?

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I'm going with Fuckhead.

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I'm going with serial Fucker!

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Yeah, Rapist unfortunately does not start with F.

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