Jan 2, 2023Liked by Paul Street

Paul, thanks for your usual clear thinking. We need this more than ever.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Paul Street

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Paul Street

Well, it’s a relief to see someone finally use the word, “patriarchy“, referring to the underlying crappy situation in this country/in this world. There were a lot of other rat-a-tat big words that lefties and righties use. Oh, yes, and let’s count on socialism .... Lots of legitimate feelings funneled through words. The bottom line is that most of us who don’t live in some center fantasy reflect a certain level of terror; either that the patriarchy is going to lose and where does that leave all the boys or those of us who are worried that none of us are gonna make it in any kind of decent psychological let alone physical shape.

I think the rumored conflict about the emphasis of the report probably reflects the conflict in the committee and maybe even more so between the committee and staff. As much as I appreciate Liz Cheney’s standing up for us, one of her big donors these days is the remaining Koch brother who is trying to rebrand himself as a nice guy these days. (That horrible interview with him on vice was an assault to my ears.”)

Well, rather than doing what us liberals do too much and try to edit this into some sophisticated short diatribe I’m going to put a period at the end of the sentence and send it; not with the expectation that many will read it but that I will have said it.

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It's past. I'd keep it the rear view mirror cause in front of us and approaching fast: a fascist servalience state. Trump not needed or required here cause the neoliberal, military exceptionalist among us -are many- and all fired up (sorry Bernie your slogan " all fired up" didn't work for you but sure will within the gun totting all fed up folk living amongst us in rural as well as urban America and throughout the world I might add. Hold onto your hats America the A(ss)- train is acomin.

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