How is this any different than the American National Anthem?

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Your breakdown of the song reveals how full of racism, bigotry, and fascist it really is. It needs to be called out as such. The essay you shared with us —thank you, by the way—entitled “Fourteen Martyrs in the Struggle Against Racist Terror, and Trumpism-Fascism” is even more powerful and alarming.

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"See how far ya make it down the road" brings to mind Wyatt and Billy in "Easy Rider," which if updated would have one of them Black. Iconic film. Altman's "Nashville" is another.

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I live in a small town. We didn’t have riots, or protest, nothing like that. We had Fourth of July events, and the usual small town stuff. All we could do is watch out TV’s, and internet in amazement. Violent rioting is never right. We saw a lot of that. And then there was J/6... 😢

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Yeah! Try that in my town. Whoever wrote this bullshit needs a wake up. Come see me. I'll show you all about my small town. You sir are biased.

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Have not listened to this tune never mind dissecting it word by word and give your interpretation of every sentence. The scuttke butt I did hear or read about this tune kept me from further inquirer. You should play and sing a few bars next time you do your music thing and than stop singing and give your interpretation.

That would be real cool.

Not very centering though


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Thought about that.

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Just fyi, I am left wing but facts matter. Kyle Rittenhouse did not get iff because of a racist judge. Kyle Rittenhouse got off because he shot three white, rioters, with serious criminal records, who tried to harm him or kill him.

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Yup,that's the Jimmy Dore truth

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And the truth of the video footage of the event.

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Yup, I would be so proud of my 17yo taking a assault rifle to defend property nobody asked him to "defend"! USA, USA, f yeah!

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Something that gives me some hope in fight against the Fascist was the poll that a majority of Trumpers actually supported the burning down the cop station in Minneapolis following George Floyd's murder. There is something about seeing a man suffocating with a cop's knee on his neck.

Most of the violence then should be properly called "police riots" which included them initiating looting. People everywhere are hurting and BLM is part of the class struggle. It will never go away.

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So that makes the victims black and the judge racist?

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Who said the victims were Black? LOL

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Well, except for Jacob Blake. Remember him? that's how the whole thing set off...the white cop shooting Jacob Blake.

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Kyle Rittenhouse was and is a punk ass kid who will get his reward when he dies. The sooner the better

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