I got, to quote Huddie (Leadbelly) Ledbetter, The Bourgeois Blues!

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Thanks Paul for the breath of clean air you continue to provide in response to the reigning insanity.

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Thank you Paul for this important review and for your passion!

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It is good to be reminded of capitalism’s critical role in our continuing climate disaster and that without a change in the system this disaster will continue.

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Thanks, Paul, for an excellent review and analysis.! Street smarts once again. I also appreciate your crediting Greta's work. Some "left hipsters" chose to too easily disparage her ever growing-she's only 20-awareness of capitalism's destructive nature. I'll forward this to all the usual suspects.

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Paul, thanks for plowing through Goodell's bourgeois jungle and bringing the most significant issue of "the present time or any other time" into focus once again. Rather than waste time reading Goodell's book, better to get started on the books you list in the review that identify the real culprit--"capitalist-imperialism, a system strongly aligned precisely against justice, equity, sustainability, sanity, and peace. We need to rise-up and radically transcend and replace that death trip of a system with life-saving/-giving revolutionary socialism if we want to preserve chances for a decent future."

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Thanks, Stewart. Just to be clear, it's a quick and elegant, even eloquent read.

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to solve our many problems: constant wars, global warming, inequality, on and on; we are going to need cooperation of many (all folks) on board to solve these problems. You can't expect everyone to be exctly on the same page as you or me or other lindividual. somehow we are going to have to swim in very turbelant waters to solve our many existential problems.

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Look, I recommend reading and appreciating his book but please take seriously the critique for God's sake my friend.

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