Whether it is conscious or not, it seems significant that the weakening of child labor laws falls right on the heels of the assaults on the right to abortion. Forcing women from the workforce will present big problems for the Chriso-Fascist. How convenient.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Paul Street

Biden has had a few opportunities to help women and their significant others to help in having an abortion. For example, did he try to set up military bases in the states that are making abortion illegal? Has Biden mentioned anything about rejecting the ruling of the lower court judge Kacsmaryk on the anti-abortion pill, Mifepristone which is FDA-approved, NO?

My belief, which elicits no actual fact, is because of his religion. Catholicism doesn’t permit such an act, and Biden, being the religious person that he claims to be, makes up for any assertive action on his part.

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27 years ago was when Democrats stripped those left jobless of their basic human rights (UN's UDHR) to food and shelter, and the consequences have been appalling.

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I so agree. The neocons are bringing us to the brink of extinction. They're all psychopaths. How the hell did they ever get control of our system? They need to be expunged.

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Yoi know this isn't about medically-necessary abortions needed to save lives. It's about inconvenient pregnancies among middle class women. When Democrats stripped those left jobless of their most basic human rights (UN's UDHR) to food and shelte3r, liberal media swept the consequences under the carpet.

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I always said, "this generation ain't the boomers!" Could you imagine roe v wade being torched with Boomers? Mass shootings galore.....DNC...crickets..... streets would be overflowing. instead.....we have screen time! hooray!

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The trans issue is all over the place. Some NYTs reporters are getting hit hard by some opeds and lauded by others. Then there's the issue how to deal with minors making decisions that will effect them the rest of there lives. When the hormones kick in all hell brakes loose. To be honest with so many other very important issues on the table I've kinda let this issue ride. Know some young adults that have transitioned and done so early. So the very few cases I've witnessed seem, from my perspective non problematic. But I'm sure there's horror stories our there but not witnessed by me. I don't even know why I'm commenting on this. I hope we sell find bodies we're comfortable in. 🙏

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