Mar 27Liked by Paul Street

Good Day Paul, Thank you for allowing me to read your posts for free since my only income in CanaDa is Old Age Security of $1850 Canadian/month or $1361 American to pay rent, utilities, food, car expenses and everything else to survive.

With so many writers on line having a similar outlook to mine all needing support, with that income I cannot commit to monthly donations, but many have a 1 time donation function on their sites I can support writers occasionally when I am particularly impressed with an article, as I would with this latest of yours.

You might be interested in the latest article posted to my Blog on Aaron Bushnell sacrificing his life so the People of Gaza might survive,


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Not like you not to speak up during this scholarly encounter.

PS enjoys your piano playing and singing a few days ago. Maybe you should have sung a protest song.

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Man's vanity that allows him to live a lie is the abomination leading to desolation. Netanyahu/Biden are both the antichrist and the Ashkenazi are the gentiles who the prophets said would and are now trampling the holy places

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Accurate and timely piece Paul. Thank you fellow warrior on the sacred path. Read about Vasuula ( by Michael O Connor) a Greek woman with exceptional spiritual gifts. Enthralled with her recollection of messages from Jesus. The part about end times resonates and confirms my visions a nd prior experiences. Trust Jesus. Do not change one iota. Your great.

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Unfortunately, there were extremely simple solutions available back in the 80s. What a lost opportunity. I was at Bezalel University just before the 1st intefada and a 2 state solution could have been a slam dunk then. What a waste. None of the massive death and destruction, fear, hatred, over the past 40 years was necessary.

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The equation here is so simple that it's hard to imagine that it isn't mentioned: The current cycle of violence that began on October 7th can be stopped quickly: Simply release the hostages and the attacks on Hamas will cease.

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