Seeing parallels with anti Vietnam War 'protests in the 60s and 70s, I've just been reading about the My Lai massacre, and it immediately made me wonder which, of any, IDF units will be brought to justice for similar crimes in Gaza - plainly evidenced by the mass graves.

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No one was brought to justice for My Lai or for any of the thousands of other Vietnam atrocities (and the whole U.S. invasion was one massive war crime).

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Only Lt Calley was tried and sentenced, I believe, but the names of other participants were revealed during the enquiry - the authorities let one person take the rap for everything - a bit like that woman from Abu Ghraib that was thrown under the bus. These crimes are routinely covered up. The British soldiers suspected of misdeeds in Northern Ireland similarly were given immunity or trials collapsed for technicalities.

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"the ruling powers of this country are firmly united in their determination to punish". 📢🍉

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Yes indeed.

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Brilliant piece and nails it on every level. All of the Western colonialist projects are drenched in the blood of indigenous cultures and the ravaging of their resources so Western imperialist nations can luxuriate while expounding on its self proclaimed ‘moral superiority’! The party is over on this level as the arrogant West created the architecture of its terminal decline- neoliberalism! Sold the farm while basking in its own hubris. What’s happening in Gaza and the West Bank is the unveiling of the West’s hubristic and criminally abhorrent moral bankruptcy. It’s bankrolling a genocide and you don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar to work out the reasons as beautifully encapsulated in this article. It’s descending into fascist States sanctioning the repression of the principles its spouts in the hubris it displays. What’s happening on US College campuses is actually an expression of its first amendment rights yet it’s happy to expunge these rights with the sort of thuggery and violence it’s inflicted on the rest of the world post WW2 with its allies gleefully joining in. What we’re experiencing now is not just Orwellian (it’s certainly this) but Kafkaesque. This distorted and dislocated State sanctioned violence against its own citizens in order to protect its criminal enterprises in Israel and the Middle East is a prima facie example of its declining legitimacy even among many of its own citizens. Now it’s upping the ante by blaming China and threatening war. But how many of the new generation of young now protesting the moral calamity in Palestine will line up to defend the same thugs who have beaten them for protesting peacefully. And yes where is the self titled liberal elite from these institutions of higher learning when it’s time to practice what you preach? Strangely quiet or offering up offensive watered down fumbling rhetoric and the hyperbole of the Vichy collaborators they are. Yep the only solution is Intifada Revolution. And the seeds are beginning to sprout in a younger generation who are unwilling to countenance the unpalatable bullshit they’re being dished up by corporatised and compliant media. Unless you’re Al Jazeera and just expelled by the Ultra Right Nationalists Zionist religious cult called Israel.

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