
Historian Alan Lichtman, the guy who always correctly predicts presidential election outcomes, thinks the debate debacle is irrelevant regarding Biden's viability. I just can't fathom that being the case. I really can't. The Trump campaign is going to have an absolute field day putting up clips of Biden's shockingly bad verbalizations from last THU night. Seventy two percent of the country says Genocide Joe is unfit for a second term for God's sake. Biden was already behind before the horror freak show last week. I'm obviously not in the bourgeois electoral game but looking from outside I've got to say that the Dems are commiting electoral SUICIDE if they stay with Jelly Brain Joe.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Street. America needs to know. But as Don Mac lean said in "American Pie" "...perhaps they never will..."

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Bye bye bouge democracy pie...marked my ballot for the tally but choice made me cry (I tried...😂)

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Jul 4Liked by Paul Street

Thanks for another informative lesson in American hegemonic thinking. I noted that Mr Haas didn't say a word about the elephant in the room i.e: climate change that is upon us and destroying lives "worldwide", not just in the US, or about Genocide Joe Biden's (I am a zionist) complicity in the slaughter of thousands of Palestinians, nearly have of them children. The Ukraine proxie war morphs on with a total destruction of reproductive age Ukrainian men, and obliteration of whole towns, but hey, "we don't have American troops on the ground", we'll fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian, something Victoria Nuland may not have said but espoused privately. Yes, and how does any thinking non-American politician plan to prepare for Trump, when the guy is like a flock of partridge spooked by a hungry fox, as readable as a Salmon Rushdie book, that is, no one can read what the nearly illiterate sociopath will do. Anyway, Trump or Biden, the world is heating up and increasing consequences not seen before, such as the hurricane in the Caribbean. Neither of them pay any attention to that issue, but they can compare their golf handicaps.

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So, if this pampered puke is one of the 'main players', wtf has he been all this time, while the schemers have been screwing with every branch of our government? Now that its on the verge of caving in HE'S GOiNG TO GIVE US ADVICE???

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France on the same way...

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Obama to Trump via Hillary and Joe; Macron to Le Pen.

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Jul 3Liked by Paul Street

I am not optimistic for the future. I would gladly celebrate the end of US hegemony. It appears to be contested by other countries rising to challenge it. Certainly the majority of Americans don't know, don't understand or don't care. If the USA continues it's theft of resources, war mongering and lies about everything. we're heading of the cliff to chaos. Also desperate people and countries take crazy desperate measures. It doesn't bode well for the future, sorry to say. As they say in the movies "Head for the hills"!

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Existentialist revolutionaries don't do pessimism/optimism. But yes ...on current trajectory minus a mass uprising/people's intervention w/real radical leadership we're multiply F"d

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Paul Street

Insightful analysis of the Realities I generally agree with, Paul. Thank you! I appreciate your 'hard core' way of expression in your writing. You do speak TRUTH TO POWER.

Too often the MSM is Propagandist for THE POWER, acting like a 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse. The 4 others are already treading in this World.

I loved this line from your earlier perceptions I'm glad you shared with your readers. I've shared it in other sites, "A system that produces something as horrific as that is long past its overthrow date."

Because of my personal Curriculum Vitae, reading you, the MSM and alternate media these Days, more voices confirm this World is Generally unfolding along the spirit of these lines these 48 years later, in this brief excerpt out of so much more, from The Kansas City Times quoting me September 13, 1976.

TODAY is the 43rd Day of my 81st Year counting UP, not DOWN, still alive to point to the Historical Newspaper Record.

"He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD'S BIDDING: To tell the World, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered [...] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of BABYLON,” he said.” [...] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a War with Russia.”


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Speaking truth to those without power so they rise up to take power!

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If only?

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Oh okay, thanks for the heads up Mr Haàss. 😂

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“…. Ordinary US Americans have never come remotely close to making US imperial (“foreign”) policy. They do not “deserve” a system that is destroying livable ecology and steering humanity to nuclear war…”

So glad, for what it’s worth, that you don’t go along with the idea that we get the government we deserve because of our own inaction or effective or ineffective acts.

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The following was posted on Facebook during Trump’s presidency. It is titled “If You Support Donald Trump We Cannot Be Friends “. It is even more timely and relevant now than in 2018. I regretfully did not note the author’s name and my sincere apologies if they are reading this and recognize it…

If you support Donald Trump and the things he stands for, then we can't be friends.

I'm not saying I don’t like you. I'm not even saying I don’t want to be friends with you.

I'm saying that if you support Trump, then I technically can’t be your friend.

We can be fellow tax payers. We can root for the same football team. We might even consider ourselves Facebook friends. But... friends? Real friends?  I can't. It's technically impossible.

For a friendship is a wholly unique creation that occurs when two people's souls intersect, and if you support Donald Trump for president then in the venn diagram of our ideologies, our circles don’t even overlap.

I mean, we couldn't do any of the things real friends do!

For instance: I wouldn’t want to watch fireworks with you on the 4th of July, for what kind of patriotism includes supporting a leader who mocks the valor of an American war hero?

I would always be a little nervous that you might sling a "harmless" racist joke across the dinner table since you are okay with the treatment of the #BlackLivesMatter protester at the Trump rally at the hands of your fellow Trump supporters. We are the company we keep.

We couldn't have any deep conversations, for your critical thinking skills are elementary at best. My 7 year old has already called it: the best way to create more home-grown ISIS terror cells in this country is to demonize the Muslim faith. Mission accomplished. We will never be victorious over our enemies by creating more enemies - both within our borders and without.

Speaking of my son, Trump is already having a negative effect on his life. See, my second grader sits shoulder to shoulder with Muslim children in his classroom. Trump's Islamophobic Bandwagon is creating a feeling of cynical paranoia between innocents, and tarnishing relationships that once held so much potential for new alliances to be forged.

Trump's ideology threatens the opportunity our children have to foster a new dialogue; to create a self-determined narrative that is removed from the sins of their parents. Donald Trump's Muslim warpath is only perpetuating more of the same dysfunction that he says he wishes to end.

So I couldn't even invite you to see my kid in a school play! I would be uncomfortable bringing you around our friends.

I also wouldn’t ask your recommendation for any books or movies because your judgement is whack. I mean, you are willing to hand the nation’s future over to someone who used to keep a copy of Hitler’s speeches next to his bed. (And then lies about it.)

I couldn't trust you with my secrets, for personal integrity does not seem to be very important to you. After all, you support a man who Twitter-snarked that there were no accomplished sport heroes of the Muslim faith (because why?), then never recanted and acknowledged that sports legend Muhammad Ali was just such an athlete. Muhammed frickin' Ali, dude! 

You know what? I'm done being playful about this.

This Trump scourge goes far beyond the usual election year tug-of-war over fiscal policies and the semantics of the 2nd amendment: this is the darkest part of our humanity being reflected back to us. This is about a charismatic madman slowly hypnotizing people into believing that hatred is somehow the pathway to peace: that exclusion of the “other” is the way to greatness.

So when you support this blistering orange narcissist, you are saying Yes to a crusade of religious persecution while ignoring the well-documented legacies of those most despicable villains who also rose to power on the platform of spiritual superiority and the reclamation of a fairy tale past.

And I won't stand for it in my inner circle. I don't want that Faithless garbage in my son's life - at least not until he's fully capable of maintaining personal boundaries between himself and evil, evil shit.

But the sad, terrifying truth is that democracy might well mean that we have the right to elect a fascist dictator into office. I’m sure that not every German citizen was on board with the yellow patches on the arms of their fellow countrymen. I'm sure their sympathiser friends sneered at them, disgusted by their seeming indifference to the threat at hand. I’m sure there were millions who felt helpless as their country dissolved into a human slaughterhouse.

So if, God forbid, that is the bleak trajectory we are on, the least and most I can do is make it very, very clear, to my fellow Americans and to my son, where I stand on the issue of Donald Trump.

We are the company we keep. I will not stand with those participating in this tidal wave of discrimination being perpetuated by the very same fundamentalism we claim to be at war with. I would rather maintain a small circle of people demonstrating Real Love for their fellow man than stand with an Army of Ignorance that's hell-bent on proving they are the King of the Hill - even after the world has lost respect for them.

Hold up, now. I’m not such a fool as to deny that ISIS is a real threat. It is clear that there are terrorists out there who dream of a world without the United States of America. And if we follow Trump's lead into his vision for this country, they will get their wish. Our nation is great BECAUSE of the principles imbedded in her foundation, and without the freedom of religion, we collapse.

I won’t be a part of it. I can’t.

But if you ever decide to come back from the dark side, I'll be waiting for you.


That's my piece, and I yearn for peace. Thank you for taking the time to read my words. It truly means the world. Carry on...

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The end of US Zionist Hegemony is playing our a this very moment in time . And with it the vey possible risk of the end of human civilisation in a monster radio active fire cloud. But i f we avoid that the slow moving but inevitable catastrophic climate change will have the same effect but of course effecti n slo mo.. Weird bearded religious maniacs have been prophesying the end of the world for many centuries . Now we r helping this insanity become .

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