Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

A part of the dark story I forgot to mention: the nefarious role of the mainstream media in normalizing the fascisation process by refusing/failing to call the fascist leader, party, and movement fascist. Instead the talking heads and pundits and reporters insist on using the following inadequate descriptions: conservative, populist, and even working class. Some can muster the brains and courage to say authoritarian, which lacks proper ideological specificity. Also missing: white supremacist, patriarchal, white nationalist, Christian nationalist.

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AI Merlin:

Carl Schmitt did invoke the theory of unitary executive authority to justify Hitler's authoritarian regime in Nazi Germany. Schmitt believed that a strong, centralized executive branch was necessary to maintain order and stability, and he used this belief to support Hitler's consolidation of power. Schmitt's theories on the unitary executive authority played a significant role in legitimizing and justifying the authoritarian actions of the Nazi regime.

SCOTUS just Americanized Schmitt!

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Jul 17Liked by Paul Street

True. And Republicans have been citing Schmitt since Bush II, anyone remember Dick Cheney?!

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Remind me again; how many hearts has Cheney had?

And every one has been as cold as a witch's ... (alright, let's stop that metaphor right here, folks. No need for that sort of vulgarity and bad taste here.)

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Jul 17Liked by Paul Street

Excellent summary of the deadly significance of recent events and what to make of them. Sharing!

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Like'd your cheer leader in the back ground. Oreo barked in agreement. Let's hope down ticket the House goes Dems to minimally give push back to Trump's fascist agenda. Take your vaca to get energized for the DNC convention in Chicago.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Paul Street

What concerns me is Sen. Tim Scott saying in an floor speech Monday. “On Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle, but AN AMERICAN LION got back up on his feet and he roared.”

The Trump base is essentially made up of Christian Nationalists and using terms like "the devil" is an orchestrated effort to portray Trump as the 2nd coming of Christ. Senator Scott didn't characterize Trump as "an American lion" willy-nilly. One of the other titles of Christ Jesus is "THE LION" of the tribe of Judea. I think Trump was told by his Christian backers to include and speak the spirit of Isaiah's Prophecy of FIRE and FURY into the World when Trump threatened North Korea "with FIRE and FURY like the world has never seen" in 2017.

Isaiah 66

When Republicans claim to be all GOOD and Democrats all EVIL as they have been doing for years since Trump lost in 2020, and US NATO POWER claims to be all GOOD and Russia/Putin all EVIL, that is a leading indicator THIS Material World is at the precipice of THE LAST DAYS, the FINAL SOLUTION of the WAR between GOOD and EVIL that cannot be wished away. It takes a vigilant Citizenry as Eisenhower warned so long ago.


The above was posted online June 21. Biden's debate debacle was June 27.

Naturally, it's more interesting for me to note in the Timeline, in the real Material World, NOW Democrats are SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER and Biden won't listen.

The Prophet Micaiah in the 3000 year old Bible History, did SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER telling the king of Israel, 'if he insists on going to WAR with Syria over the Golan Heights against God's Will, he will die' and he did die in Battle!

Israel got the Golan Heights in the 1967 WAR.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

This is quite chilling and another sign of the coming/ongoing fascisation: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/opinion/the-apprentice-trump-movie.html?

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What on earth is more disgusting, revolting, repugnant, than the sight of those hypocritical, spineless, unprincipled bas---ds toadying up to the Bloated, CRIMINAL, Creature from the cesspool of the nation, in order to share in the power grab?? What? They're all liars! these are the same A-holes who called him the worst names in the book, just a short while ago. LIES! We're awash in them!!! One minute Trump is a total a-hole and the next he's our only holy leader! This nation is closer to apesh-t than anything resembling sanity. We need a revolution!

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Thank you again Paul for reporting again on the truth of the brutality of capitalism and the

capitalism of brutality. The whole project is coming into bloom but it will not be fruitful.

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Oreo needs to go outside. Will anarchists decide the future of this nation?. Is Chicsgo's Poor People's March still on for DNC convention? .

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Yes and she's running free in her kind of weather (cooled off) for a day. All the anarchs I used to know in Chicago got gentrified and then had kids and "grew up." Lol.

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one of the worst things I saw under Biden was his failure to come to the first amendment defense of college students who have the right to be sad and angered by the greatest slaughter of children in modern history. The way this country's rich and powerful went after those kids is disgraceful. Israeli thugs beat students up at UCLA for two hours while the police watched. Biden allowed fascism to come on to our campuses. Not enough people are talking about that.

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