I agree 100 percent with you here Paul....Your adjectives are appropriate....What's happening in Gaza and the West Bank Could be stopped by Biden. Genocide Joe is not an exaggeration...I would be voting for Cornel West....if I could.

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If I share this on my Facebook page, it will be the last straw and they’ll ban me for sure. My posts are already being blocked.

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Paul. Thanks again for the plain truth in plain language. America, under Biden’s leadership has now crossed a line. This is different than US covert military actions of prior decades. There’s a deeper feeling about this than America’s past violent transgressions. I feel revulsion. I feel shame at being linked to this event by US citizenship. I feel numb. I am in shock. I am stunned.

I’m 73 years old. A lifelong Democrat. Until now. I will not vote for a person who openly and repeatedly betrays whatever few shreds of human decency the US may still possess. Tragically, I’m also describing my refusal to vote for the Orange Menace.

I’m convinced we/the human inhabitants of the earth have now passed a point of no return. Every other nation is watching the US AND Israel as they test their latest killing technologies by inflicting unprecedented sorrow, death and destruction upon an unprecedented number of innocent human families. And those nations are wondering about their futures, their vulnerability.

Doubters can view Chris Hedges recent posting. As an on site witness to this massacre and past US military debacles up close, he is authentically equipped to tell the story.

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Thanks to Biden the Butcher, Trump is now morphing into an American Fascist proxy; soon-to-be a new Confederate martyr, one that will keep Christian nationalists happily oppressed. It's all to much for mainstream democracy. Human Farmers of humans. And it's not just Dixie anymore. Abominably terrible.

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It's more like Biden the wimp! He can't afford to lose the support of AIPAC, his favorite suck-up buddy, at this critical election time. He's been in politics his entire life, so he's smart enough not to upset the real deciders, the 'money guys'.

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We're witnessing, not only the destruction of Democracy already long dead in America, if it ever existed for more then a few years here and there, along with the professed genocide of the true Palestinians, by Zionist Jews but also the End approaching faster and faster. Thanks to capitalism and corporate takeover, probably the reason USA doesn't call out Israel (very wealthy Jewish benefactors all around the world.) Criminal Genocide and Environmental Collapse is what they're foolishly perpetrating, and so stupid as to cut off the branch of much of the organized life on our planet that we are all sitting on, to see who wins the epically stupid game of "who can accumulate the most money, money that equals power! Without any shame at all apparently.

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You make one good point. Dems alone will not stop Trump. It will take a common front of all willing to fight, including those among Dems, Independents, Liz Cheney GOPers, and all the grassroots insurgencies among all the oppressed and exploited that can be mustered to the task.

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Biden, at the moment, is indeed backing Bibi's genocidal attacks, (designed by Bibi to mask the Likud's own complicity). That is bad enough. But their broader policies differ, Bibi is for 'transfer' so the Likud is sovereign 'from the sear to the river (and a bit more) while Biden is for 'two states.' The key point: The U.S. ruling class, for the most part, wants Bibi out, with one exception. Trump is with him all the way.

But you have gone full 'third period' on us. To fight the fascist danger, aim the main blow at the Third Way centrists, the 'social prop.' Once it is removed, the radical rupture will unleash a mammoth 'street uprising' that will drive Trump of out his 2nd term office by a revolutionary people. (You can probably find something close to this in the KPD newspaper in Germany circa 1930-32).

Am I right? Off a little bit? Completely wrong about this summary? Or something else?

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well, I didn't tell anyone not to vote "for" Biden to block Trump in 2024, I didn't make an "after Trump us" argument ala the third period KPD. I didn't say that Trump and other Republi-fascists aren't even worse on Israel (among other stuff...yesterday BTW I saw thata big longtime Trump flag waving house out across from one of my favorite Iowa City area nature preserves has planted a flag of Israel on its front lawn). I didn't do any of that here. I just did what I did: describe the situation Weimar Biden is helping create to say the least. The dismal Dems are doing this, not me or RF or the RCP or anarchists or whoever. I hear some friends say he's only doing what the system requires and that could be largely true but I don't think his agency is completely null and void. He's really terrible, and I think it's on Obama more than any other individual that his dirty old imperialist bastard has been on the front stage of history inthis critical period. Calling him a sick imperialist bastard is just me not holding back on my opinion - being honest. I could be more polite like Chomsky who has long said that pretty much all modern US presidents would be sent to the gallows if international law actually applied to them. It's quite a reach to analogize the 21st Century neroliberal era Clinton-Obama-Biden Dems with 1930s German socialists/social democrats. In any event, Refuse Fascism has long sought a united front with all decent people who don't want to live under an Amerikaner fascism. It doesn't tell people not to vote. But it has consistently said this: "The Democratic Party will not stop this nightmare. Trump, fascist Fox News, and the Republi-fascist Party have branded them as enemies and 'traitors.' Yet, the Democratic Party will consistently pull to try to work with, conciliate with and collaborate with them. There can be no reconciliation with fascism except on the terms of the fascists. Fascism must be resolutely opposed." Instead of calling this Third Period KPD, I'd recommend appreciating that this is just basically accurate. Always start with the truth. In meantime we are frankly running out of time for ecological survival under capitalism in any superstructural form.

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