Walter Benjamin, as the Weimar Republic descended into Fascism:

"Again and again it has been shown that society's attachment to its familiar and long-since-forfeited life is so rigid as to nullify the genuinely human application of intellect, forethought, even in dire peril. So that in this society the picture of imbecility is complete: uncertainty, indeed perversion of vital instincts and impotence, indeed decay of intellect. This is the condition of the entire German (US) bourgeoisie.

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Or maybe Galbraith said it more succinctly:

People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage.”

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What no you next year. We need your voice Paul hope you get funded. Could apply for a grant from the government! 😱.

The Progressive will publish your thoughts.

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Empirically, you're wrong. A good number in our upper crust opposed Trump and rightwing populism from day one. We can argue that they were late, not strong enough, or didn't have a good narrative or platform. A case can be made for all of that. But more important, tactically, it puts you in a bad place. We will need every allies we can find to defeat him, and break up his bloc. Instead of defining some people out of our common front, leave it open. Anyone willing to fight is welcome, high or low in our social order.

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Missed the point I think. No denial that most of the ruling class is aligned with the bourgeois democratic Clinton-Obama-Biden-Pelosi wing not the facist wing/side/party. But I think Avakian is absolutely right about the broad ruling class's interest (for the reasons I gave) in all this revanchist arch- reactionary fascistic (well, um, now we can drop the "ic" and say fascist, as Avakian and others do) narrative being out there as part of "legitimate political discourse." And you should know that Refuse Fascism (on whose Editorial Board I sit and which was initiated largely by RCP members) is all about common/united anti-fascist front and its podcast has wonderfully and politely and usefully and instructively interviewed dozens and dozens of folks who aren't Marxists or revolutionaries and so on. It 's all abut the building of non-sectarian unitd/common front opposition to fascism, believe it or not. Listen to their podcasts --- really first rate discussions with a range of liberal and left and radical anti-fascists of different kinds!

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Who in the anti-Trump sectors of the ruling class have asserted a "fascist narrative" as part of our 'legitimate political discourse? (I'm not saying there aren't any. Just that I can't think of any).

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I don't think Paul is defining some people out of the common front. He is defining how they need to change their ways in order for the front to succeed. Anyone willing to fight is welcome, but in that fight we have to tell people the truth, not submerge the truth.

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The way I see it both parties will be holding their noses in the voting booth. Or if that's THE TWO choices: we could vote 3rd.

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US system is set for two parties and the consignment of third parties to spoiler roles I'm afraid. Of course you can vote third party if you want to. I've done it many times...SWP candidates back in the 80s, Barry Commoner, my first potus vote in 1980, Nader at least twice, Jill Stein once. So F'ng what? It's just a cargo cult and can be quite irresponsible when one of the two viable candidates is a goddamned motherfucking certified many-sided fascist from white nationalist women-hating Hell like Trump or DeSantis. 2020? Not a chance.....2024? nope. Really for me the criterion is purely tactical....under which of the two viable major party candidates would the situation be best for building out a revolutionary socialist movement? I'm not a ballot fetishist.

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We may have to vote for the capitalist imperialist shithook Biden against the outright fascist Trump. Maybe similar to Mao's temporary alliance with Chiang Kai Shek to defeat the Japanese? At the same time telling people what Biden is really about and how we all need to be working to overthrow capitalism imperialism.

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So many "left" folks lose their shit when radicals advocate tactical voting it's darkly hilarious and pathetic.... Of course it's lunacy to want a Trump 47 presidency.

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