Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023Author

The fact that this series elicits little response compared to my main thing, which is of of coursse the ongoing revolutioary communist criticism of the American System and its politcal culture, was anticipated and reflects the simple fact that alot of folks who read me are caught up in or more of the 17 affllictions I'm going through here. Just a cold fact. I may add two more to make the series even more unpopular: neo-Narodniskism and left antiquarianism, the bizarre obsession I see online with anectotal and baseball card collector-like details about stuff past radical thinkers may or may not have said in obscure forgotten manusrcripts and letters to eachother....quite the time waste. Some fading Marxist historian has apparently recetly put out of a 1400-page manuscript on ten years in the life of the pioneer US Trotskyist James Cannon. The book is available for $443. Not sure how much better that is than jumping down the JFK assassination rabbit hole for a decade or so.

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Paul, in today’s Chris Hedges Subsrack column he discusses his participation in an Rage Against the Machine anti war protest that will be held 2/19 in Washington DC, where a number of right wing figures such as Ron Paul will particate. Even the “evil” Max Blumenthal will be there. He supports left-right coalitions on issues they both agree. What do you think? Is this a betrayal of his left, progressive values?

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Working on my worst behaviors, interior at first , any county sherif can black crepe the microphone tell me Michael Brown stole cigarettes and turn me towards jack booted bastardsy. But the adaptive work I am slated for was the old saw of Kurt Vonnegut's about gaining part in an extended family. Three pages of the story of the very beginning if the Pullman strike and I consider that PROBABLISTICALLY I would not pass among the many unions Debs organized during the strike. Is absurd but a private belief, in the actual really existing Any brown haired male could use my ID. Next Monday a verbal encouragement for you. I found this word tap between 19th century word coven and I don't know "confront" for a list of over an hundred words in English that describe "resigning" yourself to real natural forces. Help you reel the feeling back in because you are fiery. 19th cent'y words like "sustain and underwrite" dig it.

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