Here in MA a heavily armed and armored "swat" team confronted a woman at her front door way. Recently depressed from her son's death and also suffering from mental health issues she stood by her door with what the cops thought was a gun. One shot took her out. The weapon turned out to be a beebee gun. A swat team of cops confront a destrout elderly woman and shoot her "cause she proved a threat"????. 8 cops against an elderly woman at her front door and they shoot her dead rather than deal with this with a little tact and diplomacy. The vop that killed her should be prosecuted.
The USA used weaponry to shoot down an aberrant China balloon/ spy or weather balloon. They could have used deplomacy but like the swat team mentioned above used force over diplomacy.
What example does this set to our young children, young adults and us: Force over diplomacy is the right and appropriate response to resolve problematic situations.
We tell and show our children in our schools that violence is not the way to resolve issues yet they grow up and see adults in authoritative situations use violence to resolve problems-all the time-. That folks is why things are all messed up throughout the world. This needs to stop. Violence is not the way....ever.
The madness of such incidents is normalized. I was in the streets with tens of thousands in the George Floyd Breonna Taylor Rebellion and the pace of cops killing US Americans has if anything ticked up. Insane.
So maybe you should read my latest book and all the ones before (start with my three books on and against Obama and the dismal Dems and then look at my book on the whole system titled They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy) and all of what I write here and at CounterPunch. I mean did you even see the radical and intense criticism of the Dems in this very essay? LOL :) You JUST DON't GET It and I'm not sure why if you seriously think that I have "TDS" and that I don't raadically, ruthlessly, and regularly criticize the dollar-drenched imperial Dems. BTW if you looked at this essay you might see I said that DeSantis is a likely more dangerous fascist than Trump...maybe you should accuse me of DDS (DeSantis derangement syndrome)...LOL. And truth be told, the capitalist-imperialist Dems have been far and away my main target for two-plus decades and up to the present so maybe I should be accused of a different DDS: Democrats' Derangement Syndrome. Your weird myopia about my writing is bizarre and creepy. Mao had an interesting slogan: "no investigation, no right to speak." If you don't actually investigate my writing you have zero right to speak about it.
This is a standard thing with the Trumpen/Dore/Johnstone left: reflexive and moronic accusations of being soft on the Dems when one dares to criticize the great supposed proletarian hero (um, fascist pig) Trump. It's especially bizarre and ironic to see this idiocy directed at me. I may literally hold the word count record when it comes to Marxist criricism of the neoliberal Democrats for God's sake. Seriously. I'll post a couple of beginning assignments in line with that statement in a moment......LOL
And it wouldn’t be complete without a $20,000,000 super ad for Jesus. A product like Pepsi and Budweiser and as addictive. The opioid is the masses.
A leading opiate of the masses is opiates!
You're being too optimistic.
Here in MA a heavily armed and armored "swat" team confronted a woman at her front door way. Recently depressed from her son's death and also suffering from mental health issues she stood by her door with what the cops thought was a gun. One shot took her out. The weapon turned out to be a beebee gun. A swat team of cops confront a destrout elderly woman and shoot her "cause she proved a threat"????. 8 cops against an elderly woman at her front door and they shoot her dead rather than deal with this with a little tact and diplomacy. The vop that killed her should be prosecuted.
The USA used weaponry to shoot down an aberrant China balloon/ spy or weather balloon. They could have used deplomacy but like the swat team mentioned above used force over diplomacy.
What example does this set to our young children, young adults and us: Force over diplomacy is the right and appropriate response to resolve problematic situations.
We tell and show our children in our schools that violence is not the way to resolve issues yet they grow up and see adults in authoritative situations use violence to resolve problems-all the time-. That folks is why things are all messed up throughout the world. This needs to stop. Violence is not the way....ever.
The madness of such incidents is normalized. I was in the streets with tens of thousands in the George Floyd Breonna Taylor Rebellion and the pace of cops killing US Americans has if anything ticked up. Insane.
So maybe you should read my latest book and all the ones before (start with my three books on and against Obama and the dismal Dems and then look at my book on the whole system titled They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy) and all of what I write here and at CounterPunch. I mean did you even see the radical and intense criticism of the Dems in this very essay? LOL :) You JUST DON't GET It and I'm not sure why if you seriously think that I have "TDS" and that I don't raadically, ruthlessly, and regularly criticize the dollar-drenched imperial Dems. BTW if you looked at this essay you might see I said that DeSantis is a likely more dangerous fascist than Trump...maybe you should accuse me of DDS (DeSantis derangement syndrome)...LOL. And truth be told, the capitalist-imperialist Dems have been far and away my main target for two-plus decades and up to the present so maybe I should be accused of a different DDS: Democrats' Derangement Syndrome. Your weird myopia about my writing is bizarre and creepy. Mao had an interesting slogan: "no investigation, no right to speak." If you don't actually investigate my writing you have zero right to speak about it.
This is a standard thing with the Trumpen/Dore/Johnstone left: reflexive and moronic accusations of being soft on the Dems when one dares to criticize the great supposed proletarian hero (um, fascist pig) Trump. It's especially bizarre and ironic to see this idiocy directed at me. I may literally hold the word count record when it comes to Marxist criricism of the neoliberal Democrats for God's sake. Seriously. I'll post a couple of beginning assignments in line with that statement in a moment......LOL
Marxist Anti-Obama Derangement Syndrome! :)