It all sounds so right! But, (there's the old butt!)My friends are upper middle class in today's terms and they truly have worked very hard for their wealth. Admittedly, in the nursing field, very good wages. I didn't do so well, being unable to think aheadWe are in our 80s and I have tried to explain your post to them but they get angry and rightfully so from their point of view and won't speak to me for months and I need them in my life,as I'm without transportation, since 2008, to save the world LOL for all the good that meant. I 'm sorry to lay this huge project on younger people with more energy and courage and need for a worth project to possibly save themselves and the ground we all stand on, if we can stand at all. The above is the facts for me and many handicapped people. I am now lower middle, or upper low class so it's easy to perceive the truth of NOW! Sorry for such a personal rant, but probably true for many others too. Thank you Paul and all who see this terribly important issue, including BA of course.
I can attest to the strategic importance of the 5 stops. In my case, environmental activism led me to eventually discover Marxism. I wish it hadn't taken me so long though.
Like a good red fermented and aged properly your voice ages equally well. Can a commie enjoy a good bottle of red. Hell yes.
Trump put a exevutive stop on all off shore new wind leases: *the ecocide continues* and if "the bomb" doesn't kill us all first than our current ecocide practices will.
I feel whenever a Hip-Hop artist becomes wealthy, then they're automatically promoted by the other "classes". But I don't think the majority are promoted by other people outside the smell of money, therefore the power it can create. Then they and the music reach an acceptable social level. Especially among the wealthy. I'm sure many people view it as simply an entertainment diversion .That or an investment opportunity.
Eminem is one of the greatest, and I love his work. But unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your view, because of him he made it more palatable to many individuals. Like Elvis and Janis did for Rock and the Bues. In my opinion Hip-Hop was born from lifes struggles, parallel with their view (beliefs) on the importance, they see and hear daily, of becoming a Player. It's what we feed nearly everyone from birth. Via tv, radio, music, books, actors, sports personalities, etc. Not through our scientists, teachers, political leaders, civic leaders, volunteers. That's why a "win" in Hip-Hop is the amount of quality shade one throws becomes the win. That muddies the good intentions of some lines, those with redeeming social qualities. IMHO
To become wealthy at all costs. The win is the only good goal, with the exception of far too few. Hollywood actors, professional sport's figures, now Influencers, etc are all walking the same Prada covered walkways. Do they have the same "respect" throughout the different races and sexual orientations? Me thinks not. The amount of money we consumers willingly throw away on entertainment vs what we grudgingly hand over, by force, on schooling is insane. Our idols are Pop Stars instead of authentic leaders who cause change for the positive progression of humanity.
I say it too often.... The only true progress humans have actually accomplished since our beginnings is our ability to live longer lives. All else is air-conditioning. Are we humans even capable of not becoming a horrific Mother Teresa? when we're unable to see what we're looking at without seeing?
It looks like the Revcom link you provided for the 5 stops has a a pdf suitable for flyers. I’m certain it’s been available for years. I’ll have to contact a local Corp member to get some or head over to a print shop myself.
And I appreciate the name change — from RevClub to the Revolution Corp for the Emancipation of Humanity.
It all sounds so right! But, (there's the old butt!)My friends are upper middle class in today's terms and they truly have worked very hard for their wealth. Admittedly, in the nursing field, very good wages. I didn't do so well, being unable to think aheadWe are in our 80s and I have tried to explain your post to them but they get angry and rightfully so from their point of view and won't speak to me for months and I need them in my life,as I'm without transportation, since 2008, to save the world LOL for all the good that meant. I 'm sorry to lay this huge project on younger people with more energy and courage and need for a worth project to possibly save themselves and the ground we all stand on, if we can stand at all. The above is the facts for me and many handicapped people. I am now lower middle, or upper low class so it's easy to perceive the truth of NOW! Sorry for such a personal rant, but probably true for many others too. Thank you Paul and all who see this terribly important issue, including BA of course.
I can attest to the strategic importance of the 5 stops. In my case, environmental activism led me to eventually discover Marxism. I wish it hadn't taken me so long though.
Like a good red fermented and aged properly your voice ages equally well. Can a commie enjoy a good bottle of red. Hell yes.
Trump put a exevutive stop on all off shore new wind leases: *the ecocide continues* and if "the bomb" doesn't kill us all first than our current ecocide practices will.
Been drinking Chardonnay recently.
I feel whenever a Hip-Hop artist becomes wealthy, then they're automatically promoted by the other "classes". But I don't think the majority are promoted by other people outside the smell of money, therefore the power it can create. Then they and the music reach an acceptable social level. Especially among the wealthy. I'm sure many people view it as simply an entertainment diversion .That or an investment opportunity.
Eminem is one of the greatest, and I love his work. But unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your view, because of him he made it more palatable to many individuals. Like Elvis and Janis did for Rock and the Bues. In my opinion Hip-Hop was born from lifes struggles, parallel with their view (beliefs) on the importance, they see and hear daily, of becoming a Player. It's what we feed nearly everyone from birth. Via tv, radio, music, books, actors, sports personalities, etc. Not through our scientists, teachers, political leaders, civic leaders, volunteers. That's why a "win" in Hip-Hop is the amount of quality shade one throws becomes the win. That muddies the good intentions of some lines, those with redeeming social qualities. IMHO
To become wealthy at all costs. The win is the only good goal, with the exception of far too few. Hollywood actors, professional sport's figures, now Influencers, etc are all walking the same Prada covered walkways. Do they have the same "respect" throughout the different races and sexual orientations? Me thinks not. The amount of money we consumers willingly throw away on entertainment vs what we grudgingly hand over, by force, on schooling is insane. Our idols are Pop Stars instead of authentic leaders who cause change for the positive progression of humanity.
I say it too often.... The only true progress humans have actually accomplished since our beginnings is our ability to live longer lives. All else is air-conditioning. Are we humans even capable of not becoming a horrific Mother Teresa? when we're unable to see what we're looking at without seeing?
Rant over. Today was not a good
It looks like the Revcom link you provided for the 5 stops has a a pdf suitable for flyers. I’m certain it’s been available for years. I’ll have to contact a local Corp member to get some or head over to a print shop myself.
And I appreciate the name change — from RevClub to the Revolution Corp for the Emancipation of Humanity.