I listened to Michael Moore. I got about 2/3 through and I was upset; so I started to recollect that as much as he’s talking about white male privilege. I review all the sexual assault I’ve had as a child and rapes at 18 -three such after. Also PTSD for many things, I’m dealing with, yes too little family contact. Husband dead for 18 years. And now I sit in my living room, wondering if my son is alive or dead ( AGAIN ) since his recurrent Meth use ( there’s the bomb going off in my back yard)! So the other one with a serious mental disability, whereby in Iowa especially, well the entire nation, no real help for mental differences, difficulties and hence substance abuse, etc. Just more abuse, from the cold fascists types here, that enjoy kicking dogs while they lay in the streets. I’m thinking FU Michael Moore. The bombs may not be going off in my backyard but just the same they’ve been going off in my head all my life and I’m going on 75. However, I must say Paul you woke me up, especially with the scene of children being burned alive in the hospital and yes, pretty much agree with every negative, about the DAMN Dems. I’ve been pissed off forever since McGovern didn’t get in lol. However, you brought to my eye an opening. I think I’m gonna slow it down but yes, not really, ( my family is already lost). Yes we have to get rid of what’s going on and the only way to get rid of what’s going on is everything you laid out? I don’t know political agendas. I’m not even sure you do with what Biden could’ve really done. I suppose there could’ve been“executive privilege” or “presidential”order? Yes dogma somehow, that he could’ve had trump arrested/INCARCERATED for TREASON. I see the folly that the Dems are and have been and yes, Kamala. And so I tell myself that it’ll slow it down. I have my absentee ballot, probably in Iowa, even not to be counted(?) So this time around and I marked off all Democrats, ( AGAIN) because I thought it was not just: ‘for the lesser evil as 2016; it was voting ‘against the worst evil. But I’m beginning to think I am splitting hairs (AGAIN) here and it won’t slow down. My life is pretty much so damaged and I can strictly say it’s a lot of the ardent misogyny that’s rampant and why most men are voting for trump and I can say for my male sons it’s not just the fact that they’ve gone through the judicial system horrendously and I know now I hate prosecutors, they can act willy-nilly and don’t even have to say anything or really DO anything, they get what they want, since they’re the real power in the court room. So yes no real proof on any charge they want to push thru! I learned that they don’t have to prove anything. And she is an ardent prosecutor. Yes so I must admit I am all for everything you said. I’m not sure if Biden could’ve done that much with just executive orders, but I will give you this, all out revolution. But how is that possible without rocking the boat for so many Americans that think they’re safe, with their jobs and their neighborhoods and their car, etc., but they need to know that this mental grip like what grab my sons, granted were not as wealthy maybe as who I’m speaking of, but drug addiction is out there, mental illnesses ( especially in this climate of mass hysteria especially that HISteria of trump/GOP)! Yes out there certainly for women, sexual abuse and what’s gone on for the last eight years the display from trump and GOP and Vance’s rhetoric and behaviors that have saturated the sick male identity in this country is most damaging! Yes violence coming in every woman’s way, so I see the only way out of here, is all out revolution but the catch 22 is :who the fuck is going to join me in Iowa.
P.S. Me, you, I know this will fall on the eyes and ears of the poor, minorities, immigrants. LGBTQ… yes we need good hearts to beat behind the badge tooand we need to join hands of one another and go on knowing there is only one way out.
I stopped reading very early on as it is impossible to take anyone seriously who calls a President and now Presidential candidate "Herr Trump"
The idea of the whole election being a Fascist joke is true. Neither Kamala or Trump, The Democratic party or the Republican party, deserve the vote of the people of the United States.
Likening one candidate to Hitler is just odd when we know what Hitler actually did. He took millions of Germans out of poverty. Put everyone back to work so a nation could be rebuilt. Are you suggesting that Trump is capable of this. If so I think you are mad.
If anyone should be mentioned in the same sentence as Hitler it should be Benjamin Netenyahu. He, like Hitler, has given the green light for Genocide.
Both Trump and Kampala are only supporting Israel due to not having a choice. Israel has hijacked US policy and the MSM. Far more dangerous then any airline bomber has ever done.
Really lazy article this one. Not worth the time and effort it took me to press "follow" all those weeks ago. I suggest I need to make the same effort to press unfollow as this action will improve my understanding of politics in the USA.
I shared your “16 True Things About This Election Horror Show” with a friend who agreed with your points — except for the the revolution part.
Later I watched a wsws.org presentation in which David North asked all who did not see revolution as necessary to identify the possible route to ending the continuing horrors perpetuated by capitalism.
The only routes to capitalist reformation I could imagine were those correcting some of the many faults that you and many others have often presented: campaign/election reforms; elimination of electoral college and the undemocratic senate; and more. You and true revolutionaries (I would not consider myself one, but am not even sure what I mean by that.) have pointed out that these reforms are not possible under this capitalist system.
One more observation: Your point about needing members of law enforcement & the military to be part of revolutionary change is frequently ignored or deliberately not mentioned (in the little that I have read, heard, or seen). It runs counter to a chant I often hear: “Back off, back off, we want freedom, freedom, all these racist ass cops we don’t need ‘em, need ‘em.” It goes without saying that the racism isn’t needed, but revolution needs the cops (at least many of the individuals who currently are working as police or in the military.) I am sure you have often made that point in your writings.
Just to be clear, I specified military personnel. I think the point on reforms is that they do not get down to the real problem, which is frankly the capitalist mode of production. Avakian and the Revcoms ask (quite properIy I think) "through what mode of production do you think we can end class rule, racial oppression, immigrant bashing, patriarchy, imperial war, and ecocide?" Go through their Five Stops and more and the historical-material fact is that none of these evils can or will ever be fundamentally overcome under capitalism/capitalism-imperialism/the underlying bourgeois class dictatorship.
AS usual, right on, Paul and not pulling any punches. Very few even in the many great journalists and podcasters have my full agreement in what they're saying. In this crazy world we're living in, anything less than what you say is too mild, not backed by firm intent to action so very urgent right now. It needs to be written and said in Big Bold Letters in all forms of communication, including social networks and others. I always wondered how the German people could allow Fascism to take over their country, Now I understand!
Already made two corrections. LOL.
I listened to Michael Moore. I got about 2/3 through and I was upset; so I started to recollect that as much as he’s talking about white male privilege. I review all the sexual assault I’ve had as a child and rapes at 18 -three such after. Also PTSD for many things, I’m dealing with, yes too little family contact. Husband dead for 18 years. And now I sit in my living room, wondering if my son is alive or dead ( AGAIN ) since his recurrent Meth use ( there’s the bomb going off in my back yard)! So the other one with a serious mental disability, whereby in Iowa especially, well the entire nation, no real help for mental differences, difficulties and hence substance abuse, etc. Just more abuse, from the cold fascists types here, that enjoy kicking dogs while they lay in the streets. I’m thinking FU Michael Moore. The bombs may not be going off in my backyard but just the same they’ve been going off in my head all my life and I’m going on 75. However, I must say Paul you woke me up, especially with the scene of children being burned alive in the hospital and yes, pretty much agree with every negative, about the DAMN Dems. I’ve been pissed off forever since McGovern didn’t get in lol. However, you brought to my eye an opening. I think I’m gonna slow it down but yes, not really, ( my family is already lost). Yes we have to get rid of what’s going on and the only way to get rid of what’s going on is everything you laid out? I don’t know political agendas. I’m not even sure you do with what Biden could’ve really done. I suppose there could’ve been“executive privilege” or “presidential”order? Yes dogma somehow, that he could’ve had trump arrested/INCARCERATED for TREASON. I see the folly that the Dems are and have been and yes, Kamala. And so I tell myself that it’ll slow it down. I have my absentee ballot, probably in Iowa, even not to be counted(?) So this time around and I marked off all Democrats, ( AGAIN) because I thought it was not just: ‘for the lesser evil as 2016; it was voting ‘against the worst evil. But I’m beginning to think I am splitting hairs (AGAIN) here and it won’t slow down. My life is pretty much so damaged and I can strictly say it’s a lot of the ardent misogyny that’s rampant and why most men are voting for trump and I can say for my male sons it’s not just the fact that they’ve gone through the judicial system horrendously and I know now I hate prosecutors, they can act willy-nilly and don’t even have to say anything or really DO anything, they get what they want, since they’re the real power in the court room. So yes no real proof on any charge they want to push thru! I learned that they don’t have to prove anything. And she is an ardent prosecutor. Yes so I must admit I am all for everything you said. I’m not sure if Biden could’ve done that much with just executive orders, but I will give you this, all out revolution. But how is that possible without rocking the boat for so many Americans that think they’re safe, with their jobs and their neighborhoods and their car, etc., but they need to know that this mental grip like what grab my sons, granted were not as wealthy maybe as who I’m speaking of, but drug addiction is out there, mental illnesses ( especially in this climate of mass hysteria especially that HISteria of trump/GOP)! Yes out there certainly for women, sexual abuse and what’s gone on for the last eight years the display from trump and GOP and Vance’s rhetoric and behaviors that have saturated the sick male identity in this country is most damaging! Yes violence coming in every woman’s way, so I see the only way out of here, is all out revolution but the catch 22 is :who the fuck is going to join me in Iowa.
P.S. Me, you, I know this will fall on the eyes and ears of the poor, minorities, immigrants. LGBTQ… yes we need good hearts to beat behind the badge tooand we need to join hands of one another and go on knowing there is only one way out.
I stopped reading very early on as it is impossible to take anyone seriously who calls a President and now Presidential candidate "Herr Trump"
The idea of the whole election being a Fascist joke is true. Neither Kamala or Trump, The Democratic party or the Republican party, deserve the vote of the people of the United States.
Likening one candidate to Hitler is just odd when we know what Hitler actually did. He took millions of Germans out of poverty. Put everyone back to work so a nation could be rebuilt. Are you suggesting that Trump is capable of this. If so I think you are mad.
If anyone should be mentioned in the same sentence as Hitler it should be Benjamin Netenyahu. He, like Hitler, has given the green light for Genocide.
Both Trump and Kampala are only supporting Israel due to not having a choice. Israel has hijacked US policy and the MSM. Far more dangerous then any airline bomber has ever done.
Really lazy article this one. Not worth the time and effort it took me to press "follow" all those weeks ago. I suggest I need to make the same effort to press unfollow as this action will improve my understanding of politics in the USA.
I shared your “16 True Things About This Election Horror Show” with a friend who agreed with your points — except for the the revolution part.
Later I watched a wsws.org presentation in which David North asked all who did not see revolution as necessary to identify the possible route to ending the continuing horrors perpetuated by capitalism.
The only routes to capitalist reformation I could imagine were those correcting some of the many faults that you and many others have often presented: campaign/election reforms; elimination of electoral college and the undemocratic senate; and more. You and true revolutionaries (I would not consider myself one, but am not even sure what I mean by that.) have pointed out that these reforms are not possible under this capitalist system.
One more observation: Your point about needing members of law enforcement & the military to be part of revolutionary change is frequently ignored or deliberately not mentioned (in the little that I have read, heard, or seen). It runs counter to a chant I often hear: “Back off, back off, we want freedom, freedom, all these racist ass cops we don’t need ‘em, need ‘em.” It goes without saying that the racism isn’t needed, but revolution needs the cops (at least many of the individuals who currently are working as police or in the military.) I am sure you have often made that point in your writings.
Just to be clear, I specified military personnel. I think the point on reforms is that they do not get down to the real problem, which is frankly the capitalist mode of production. Avakian and the Revcoms ask (quite properIy I think) "through what mode of production do you think we can end class rule, racial oppression, immigrant bashing, patriarchy, imperial war, and ecocide?" Go through their Five Stops and more and the historical-material fact is that none of these evils can or will ever be fundamentally overcome under capitalism/capitalism-imperialism/the underlying bourgeois class dictatorship.
I will add that North there asks a very good question. I'll check that out.
I believe I got the gist of David North’s question and related comments correct if nothing else.
The question is presented during the last 17 minutes or so …. at about the one hour and 6 minute mark…. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fLB-ScIVy4w&pp=ygUgS2lzaG9yZSBhbmQgV2hpdGUgc29jaWFsaXNtIDIwMjQ%3D
AS usual, right on, Paul and not pulling any punches. Very few even in the many great journalists and podcasters have my full agreement in what they're saying. In this crazy world we're living in, anything less than what you say is too mild, not backed by firm intent to action so very urgent right now. It needs to be written and said in Big Bold Letters in all forms of communication, including social networks and others. I always wondered how the German people could allow Fascism to take over their country, Now I understand!