I am quite aware that Yeats, like Pound, exhibited some fash sympathies. That's terrible but does not cancel the eloquence of his words in his 1919 poem The Second Coming.

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Both the Republican and Democratic candidates will be awful. We will have a choice between fascism or nuclear annihilation. I choose Cornell West!

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I like you man. I am no Trump fan. Trump is indicative of the rot of the US system. But calling Trump "the world’s most dangerous fascist leader" is I believe not accurate. Trump has yet to start a war of choice that kills literally millions (which more than one US president has already done). And this is with four years in power when he could have if he wanted too.

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While I've enjoyed that Yeats quote before, my friend Doug Henwood pointed out that Yeats was a fascist and the people he was celebrating were the fascists and it was the Left who he was lamenting as being "full of passionate intensity." Yeats wasn't on our side.

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Maybe the center can hold if we can fire up our youth to fighting back where the repugli-facists are taking us. Our youth have the most to lose. Vietnam protests were seeded on campuses around the world. This protest movement moved forward to off campus protests. The campus spark turned into a wildfire. Maybe we can repeat this historic event with our current nemesis: Repugli-facism.

I think you're right Paul, the couch potatoes will not be the spark....but maybe our campuses could be.


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The left believes the right is fascist and will destroy America. The right believes the left is fascist and will destroy America. That’s the game the fascists in power have been playing, well, almost forever. There are good people on both sides. Trump is, as I keep saying, the trump card of the global elite. The things that prevent many conservatives from supporting the left is their attack on the family, the authority of parents, the right to life and respect for the unborn and the integrity of women’s bodies and the tremendous physical and psychological harm caused by abortion, radical sex education which is nothing more than grooming - all of it comes from the left - and the obsession with racism when the real victims of bigotry and oppression are the working class of whatever colour. When the left is willing to talk about those things, and the right stops fearing socialism, then good people can come together. But taking to the streets is exactly what the real fascists in government want - they’ve been ready and waiting for it for a long time. Stop dividing and start talking.

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