Thank you for using Yeats in your comments, today. I anticipated your concluding your remarks with that great poet's own ending lines, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" Though, I'd have been satisfied with citing the words of George Santayana, "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."
If homo sapiens survive to celebrate the turn of the next century, it will be a miracle. Humanity has been down these streets before, frequently and recently, and has arrived in 2023, as societies move in reverse, slowly devolving into a new 19th century, a Gilded Age with billionaires, this time. Are debtors prisons on the horizon? A silly thought until one considers that Roe v Wade was overturned, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was gutted, and the Equal Rights Amendment was abandoned after failing to receive ratification by three States.
These are interesting times in which we live. Would that the masses, with their omnipresent information technology come to understand how little they've understood. And act.
Thanks. I think the capitalist ecocide is new..we've never seen anything on the scale of the current capitalogenic climate catastrophe. And I'm thinking here not of the Gilded Age but of the Third Reich as a closer historical analogy I'm afraid. This is fascism.
So scaring us, you pundants of creeping fascism, doesn't seem to be working. We need to woke up the majority, get them off their couches and into rallying push back against this encroaching fascist creep.
The problem is majority apathetic creep brought on by the Democrat elitist corporatist creep. The Democrat base is eroding cause the Democrats elite has abandoned them throwing crumbs to the workers and caviar to the corpratists. The corpratists in return keep their puppet politicians well feed. Money's the game in Washington not democracy.
Dude you seem to think I'm just a pundit. LOL. I do punditry stuff, so to speak, true but I'm out in the streets agitating whenever and wherever I can swing it. Probably not your usual "pundit of creeping fascism." More like an acivist, writer, and speaker against lurching fascism. :)
I'm going to write this up for CounterPunch with significant revision and enhancement.
Thank you for using Yeats in your comments, today. I anticipated your concluding your remarks with that great poet's own ending lines, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" Though, I'd have been satisfied with citing the words of George Santayana, "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."
If homo sapiens survive to celebrate the turn of the next century, it will be a miracle. Humanity has been down these streets before, frequently and recently, and has arrived in 2023, as societies move in reverse, slowly devolving into a new 19th century, a Gilded Age with billionaires, this time. Are debtors prisons on the horizon? A silly thought until one considers that Roe v Wade was overturned, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was gutted, and the Equal Rights Amendment was abandoned after failing to receive ratification by three States.
These are interesting times in which we live. Would that the masses, with their omnipresent information technology come to understand how little they've understood. And act.
Interesting times? I guess. Terrifying but perhaps also liberating times. It's up to us.
Thanks. I think the capitalist ecocide is new..we've never seen anything on the scale of the current capitalogenic climate catastrophe. And I'm thinking here not of the Gilded Age but of the Third Reich as a closer historical analogy I'm afraid. This is fascism.
Didn't mean to disrespect your opins..... You be the man.
Both forever wars Biden and Trumpism keep me off center. You commentary: therapy.
So scaring us, you pundants of creeping fascism, doesn't seem to be working. We need to woke up the majority, get them off their couches and into rallying push back against this encroaching fascist creep.
The problem is majority apathetic creep brought on by the Democrat elitist corporatist creep. The Democrat base is eroding cause the Democrats elite has abandoned them throwing crumbs to the workers and caviar to the corpratists. The corpratists in return keep their puppet politicians well feed. Money's the game in Washington not democracy.
Grease me
I'll grease you
Dude you seem to think I'm just a pundit. LOL. I do punditry stuff, so to speak, true but I'm out in the streets agitating whenever and wherever I can swing it. Probably not your usual "pundit of creeping fascism." More like an acivist, writer, and speaker against lurching fascism. :)