It's actually a war on freedom of assembly and freedom of association, a war on independent communities. Nobody cares if individuals speak freely. There is no danger to the rulers. Danger comes when people dare talk to each other. The danger is not speaking, but conversation.
well, speech itself is surveilled. The USC student is prevented from the valedictorian stage in part cuz of what she said on social media I believe. But I get the distinction between speech and conversation/actual dialogue.
Addressing only the numerous arrests, assaults, and firing of those advocating justice for the Palestinians, why is it that not one advocate for the rabid Zionist criminals has ever been arrested, assaulted or fired? Anyone?
US once again showing the complicity in and support for the genocide in Gaza with the veto of the Security Council proposal for full UNSC membership of Palestine, for fuck almighty sake.
I will read, more thoroughly, your excellent report when I get a chance. It represents a very important moment of sanity. Thank you along with EI and AlJazeera .
no question about it Paul...we see it every day now.. The fascists are gaining strength and we are the shrinking minority....gettin kinda scary. **Vote em all out**
When the knitty hits the gritty... I am optimistic that this generation of fascists don't have the balls to carry through on actual violent deadly purges like the Nazis did. They talk big, but do they really have the organization and commitment to round up and slaughter minorities and Leftists by the millions? I'm not sure they could manage our current massive prison-police-domestic surveillance police state system nearly as well as the current Neoliberal Fascist machine does.
Not saying the political situation is *good* by any stretch of the imagination - it is very very bad.
The weapons that are so insanely ubiquitous in the USA (120 firearms per 100 other country comes close) are quite disproportionately owned by right wing people. Military style weapons in particular. I don't know about round up and slaughter but that sounds like too much expectation of classic European and particuarly German/Nazi fascism. We are talking about 21st Century neoliberal era fascism but their language is very clasically eliminationist, palingenetic ultranationalist, white supremacist, cultist, conspiracist...umm, fascist. etc. One Amerikaner fascist witn an AR-15 today can kill more folks than a team of Nazi street thugs in Berlin in 1933, trust me. Bear in mind for them leftists is anyone left of them. I think we have Neoliberal capitalist rulers still clinging to bourgeois democracy such as it is --- with a lot of fascistic aspects to be sure (ie the racist mass incarceration and police state)--- and Neoliberal capitalist rulers ready to make the full crossover to a much more full on fascism under the leadership of an actual orange-tinted Htler fan. It won't be an exact replica of the Third Reich but how could it be? Fascism like any other political formation takes different forms in time and place.
...and now Columbia University president Nemat Shafik functioning as a running dog lackey of US pro-Zionist imperialism:
Still not repressive enough for leading US House neo-McCarthyite L. Stefanik (Republi-fascist-NY):
how about that "radical left" higher ed! LOLOL
It's actually a war on freedom of assembly and freedom of association, a war on independent communities. Nobody cares if individuals speak freely. There is no danger to the rulers. Danger comes when people dare talk to each other. The danger is not speaking, but conversation.
well, speech itself is surveilled. The USC student is prevented from the valedictorian stage in part cuz of what she said on social media I believe. But I get the distinction between speech and conversation/actual dialogue.
Addressing only the numerous arrests, assaults, and firing of those advocating justice for the Palestinians, why is it that not one advocate for the rabid Zionist criminals has ever been arrested, assaulted or fired? Anyone?
US once again showing the complicity in and support for the genocide in Gaza with the veto of the Security Council proposal for full UNSC membership of Palestine, for fuck almighty sake.
I will read, more thoroughly, your excellent report when I get a chance. It represents a very important moment of sanity. Thank you along with EI and AlJazeera .
no question about it Paul...we see it every day now.. The fascists are gaining strength and we are the shrinking minority....gettin kinda scary. **Vote em all out**
When the knitty hits the gritty... I am optimistic that this generation of fascists don't have the balls to carry through on actual violent deadly purges like the Nazis did. They talk big, but do they really have the organization and commitment to round up and slaughter minorities and Leftists by the millions? I'm not sure they could manage our current massive prison-police-domestic surveillance police state system nearly as well as the current Neoliberal Fascist machine does.
Not saying the political situation is *good* by any stretch of the imagination - it is very very bad.
The weapons that are so insanely ubiquitous in the USA (120 firearms per 100 other country comes close) are quite disproportionately owned by right wing people. Military style weapons in particular. I don't know about round up and slaughter but that sounds like too much expectation of classic European and particuarly German/Nazi fascism. We are talking about 21st Century neoliberal era fascism but their language is very clasically eliminationist, palingenetic ultranationalist, white supremacist, cultist, conspiracist...umm, fascist. etc. One Amerikaner fascist witn an AR-15 today can kill more folks than a team of Nazi street thugs in Berlin in 1933, trust me. Bear in mind for them leftists is anyone left of them. I think we have Neoliberal capitalist rulers still clinging to bourgeois democracy such as it is --- with a lot of fascistic aspects to be sure (ie the racist mass incarceration and police state)--- and Neoliberal capitalist rulers ready to make the full crossover to a much more full on fascism under the leadership of an actual orange-tinted Htler fan. It won't be an exact replica of the Third Reich but how could it be? Fascism like any other political formation takes different forms in time and place.
Yup they talk tough (at our expense) but couldn't fight their way out of a wet paoet bag. Scum all of em.