
...and now Columbia University president Nemat Shafik functioning as a running dog lackey of US pro-Zionist imperialism: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/18/nyregion/columbia-university-protests?

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It's actually a war on freedom of assembly and freedom of association, a war on independent communities. Nobody cares if individuals speak freely. There is no danger to the rulers. Danger comes when people dare talk to each other. The danger is not speaking, but conversation.

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Addressing only the numerous arrests, assaults, and firing of those advocating justice for the Palestinians, why is it that not one advocate for the rabid Zionist criminals has ever been arrested, assaulted or fired? Anyone?

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US once again showing the complicity in and support for the genocide in Gaza with the veto of the Security Council proposal for full UNSC membership of Palestine, for fuck almighty sake.

I will read, more thoroughly, your excellent report when I get a chance. It represents a very important moment of sanity. Thank you along with EI and AlJazeera .

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no question about it Paul...we see it every day now.. The fascists are gaining strength and we are the shrinking minority....gettin kinda scary. **Vote em all out**

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