Apr 27Liked by Paul Street

One of the most important things you have written is summed up in this partial quote, "And yet many of us still cling to the notion..." We cling to notions and false hopes and we now have an exceedingly important opportunity to discard them and really learn. Paul's articles are not sugar-coated, to say the least, and we need many to speak clearly and strongly and courageously and to face what lies in front of us.

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Apr 27Liked by Paul Street

I keep wondering whether we're experiencing what all citizens of crumbling empires have gone through, in the past, with all, or almost all, traditional institutions rotting from within. We've had some terrible Supreme Court panels, in the past, but none that have shown such disdain for the social impact of their reactionary, politically based, decisions. Expect new reversals, as cases are appealed in the next few years, in regard to the prohibition of birth control devices, inter-racial marriage, labor union rights, child labor, gay rights, and untold other issues that we now take as settled matters. I've been a lawyer since 1976 and would estimate that some 25% of all personal rights that were first found in the twentieth century have either disappeared by political chicanery at the highest levels or have been overturned by the corrupt judicial system headed by people with lifetime jobs. And the majority of citizens don't know or those who do, don't seem to care.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28Liked by Paul Street

The ruling elite never has believed in democracy. No surprise there. They have done a lot of work to oppose it. The rich successfully decimated labor unions over the course of a few decades, and continue to forcefully oppose them today on all fronts, Amazon, etc. The "workplace," one of their main horrific creations from which they extract their enormous wealth, is a completely totalitarian environment, as Chomsky and Richard Wolff among many others consistently point out. It works well for them, as does the notion that the country can be "run like a business." Putting two and two together here is not difficult. As Alito says, what we need for a stable democracy - as defined by the ruling elite - is the exact opposite of a democracy, a totalitarian state run by people who do not have to follow any rules or laws at all. None. This is the dream of those who own and run this society, always has been. It is a critical time, because now they truly see a chance to grab it and make it real, as examples begin to be more and more mainstreamed and accepted - as we see in Gaza, no rules whatsoever for Israel, total immunity to impose atrocities on a daily basis, no laws or rules apply, and many see this as absolutely fine, necessary, rational, etc. It is not democracy when your vote is openly a vote for a dictator, and when that condition applies, our democracy (which is now 90% gone) will finally be 100% gone, and we are a hair's breadth away from that. Frightening times. As Americans have been trained to do, almost all will sit back and watch. Won't say anything and sure as hell won't do anything. Not understanding what is right in front of their eyes at least prevents the average citizen from feeling helpless, or that they need to think about or do anything, as no matter what happens, "It's fine, just politics, I don't worry about that too much."

I don't believe in god but if I did I would say god bless the student protesters against the genocide.

"Talk minus action equals zero." -Joey "Shithead" Keighley

Whatcha Gonna Do? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPBlmaWKsHM

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Apr 28Liked by Paul Street

I must confess that everything shocks and surprises me. I think it's because even at my advanced age I don't know nearly as much as I should. I just started reading Paul's book, This Happened Here, and it's helping to fill some gaping holes in my knowledge and general understanding of politics. I haven't finished reading but so far, it's proving to be an antidote to a tendency to cling to illusions about our so-called democratic institution's capacity to defend themselves from a fascist takeover.

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You can tell by these cowardly, robotic, clowns' "attire" of protection of every part of the body, that they're only trying to "Protect and Serve" "The People", a task which requires clubs, guns, gas, and water cannons spewing 'skunk juice'. Still, "The People" think they're sovereign! Wake up America!!

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Apr 28Liked by Paul Street

Just an aside, but wowzer-- that is a superb photo. Hats off to the photographer, whoever s/h e is.

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Not within driving distance of Iowa to protest MAGA Mike's appearance, that illegitimate, "highly placed Republi-fascist thug" Tom Cleaver accurately called a "rich pile of fundamentalist shit," but I denounce his dishonorable presence in Iowa, in the congress and in the consciousness of the American mind that cherishes the rule of law and the democratic principles of liberty and justice upon which this nation was founded. Viva La Revolution!

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Apr 28Liked by Paul Street

And paraphrasing from a character from the Amazon show Fallout:

Communist is the dirty name they call those who are NOT insane.

Now we can say the same for anti-semite!

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I will admit I was surprised by the overtness of the Supremes' MAGA embrace. My surprise also surprised me; that's a personal failing, clearly. I expected them to hide their true feelings a little bit better, but I suppose they don't give a shit at this poiint.

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