The list of bills passed by the House since Biden took office LOOKS very impressive. However, I believe that these bills represent performative staged politics on the House's part because they know full well that the bills will not be passed in the Senate. Both sides of Congress take money from the same big interest groups, such as the NRA. It's a good guy-bad guy game.

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I largely agree. Safe to vote for bills you know are dead on the Senate killing floor one chamber up.

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Need a 3rd party that can hold the balance of power.

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Tough to get off ground in US winnner take all system.

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How do you launch a revolution when apathy runs deep in the American physique?

Look at all the intellectual dissents that this country has had. Zinn, Chomsky, Nader, Hedges, Street, Klein, and so many more haven't been able to alter the American way of thinking.

I read somewhere that sometimes it merely involves a minor event that can cause a revolution but do we have that luxury when people's rights are being taken away exponentially and the environment collapses around us?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but we need a National General Strike. Of course, a world strike would be better, but near impossible to muster that many people so that we can convey to the oligarchs that we want what is suitable for our sustainability and the world.

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I was up in Madison talking about this in February and March of 2011. We need labor to move beyond the economistic struggle for crumbs from the capitlaist-imperialist order --- nothing wrong with trying to get for members from employers of course --- to think about POLITICAL and not just economic strikes.

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Paul, you should write columns on topics other than the Republican Fascist take over of our undemocrate country, Weimer Republic Democrats and the ban on abortion. Even though these are very important I would like to read a markist analysis of other revelevant issues such as our economy and international events.

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Oh well look at my CounterPunch page over the last seven years...alll kinds of topics addressed. It's just the timing right now --- this whole fascisation thing is kind of a big deal. I expect more topics to emerge, of course. If I have time, my piece next Monday will be an interesting historical reflection on my uncle Connie's death in WWII. Also I hope you saw my Substack "Why History Matters." Ecology has been one of my leading topics over the years.

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Thanks for your response. I have been reading your columns regularly for many years and look forward to reading more in the future. My problem maybe is I remember best the ones that you have recently written.

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Was gonna write something then read what futgal73 commented. That about some up what I was gonna say.

Cheers one and all...and Happy Halloween

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