Mar 25Liked by Paul Street


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Mar 27Liked by Paul Street

Working Class Hero is just an amazing song. Lenon knew what was up.

For Springsteen I like the more militant "Death to my Hometown"

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Mar 26Liked by Paul Street

As Russian-born American writer Emma Goldman once said “If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution! If I can’t dance, I don’t want your revolution! If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” Emma was absolutely right about dancing and celebrating a revolution. These two elements were born together and without having both, a movement can’t be called a revolution.

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if Bruce can do its so can you. accustics much better, as was the piaono playing as was your voice .....the lyrics right on.

thanks Paul I needed that break from browsing my favorite bloggers on independent news. *it's all bad*


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Look, ma, communists play songs. LOL.

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Historically, genocide happens under both fascism and bourgeois democracy. Under bourgeois democracy, those that are eligible to vote get to vote for genocide. For example, the genocide of the American Indian. Under fascism, genocide happens without voting.

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