"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable."

-H. L. Mencken

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Rare is the writer who gives readers an accurate glimpse into how all the Machiavellian schemes of capitalist/imperialist/far-right christian power politics are actually deployed within the crazy system called the American empire. Let’s see, that puts you in the company with Chris Hedges, Robert Scheer, Ralph Nader, Caitlin Johnstone, Sy Hersh, and very few others. Anyone familiar with the work of these luminaries knows that REVOLT is now the only option for those who desire to see the world restored to sanity. The lingering question is, how do we go about it with wisdom and compassion so as to minimize the damage to our fellow human beings, the planet Earth, and all the other species that live here?

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thanx. I supported the banning of Caitlin Johnstone from CounterPunch for red-brown nonsense. LOL. Hersh is a great and invaluable investigative journalist...my sense is his politiics are vote Bernie at leftmost . Ever hear of this guy? https://revcom.us/en/bob_avakian/collected-works

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Started reading Avakian after you mentioned his work in a past post and even quoted him in one of my own posts. He definitely belongs on the list. He makes sense to me, but he’s another writer that makes me realize that I’ve got a lot to learn.

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I'm in the middle of Sy Hersh's remarkable book on the JFK years. I subscribe to his Substack. He's in that category for me!

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Exactly right!!! Everything else has been tried over and over and over again,,to no avail! REPEAT AFTER ME, Revolution is the Solution!

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Your wonderful ability to step back and to step outside the dominant paradigm of capitalism and through your socialist filter (so to speak) see the world and current event as they truly are is a great boon to your readers.

One can consume the news for hours a day in this culture and never get an inkling of what the real forces impelling events are, behind the scenes.

Thank you for seeing it as it REALLY is and telling it like it is.

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"We need radical Left change"

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A feature of Paul's writing that I most appreciate is the lively recapitulation of relevant history - it's not just this latest piece of neofascist shit; it's the whole stinking pile of shit, growing taller all the time.

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The miracle is Trump's right ear is completely healed without a trace of where the bullet supposedly clipped it, in the alleged attempted assassination.

The Timing was perfect just 2 days before the Republican Convention so Trump would enter it triumphantly, and his American Christian devotees would be convinced more than ever he's God's Chosen in these Times of Tribulation.

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You mispelt 'gawd' !

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Actually, you misspelled God!

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