It was 288, not 208!

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I've been listening to outraged liberal commentary on this all day. None of them make the connections I make here, including how this problem invalidates US politicos' claims that the US is a great global role model and how this problem relates to the nation's Minority rule electoral and governance order.

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Leading cause of childhood death in this sick AF nation? Gun violence.

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This great country has proven itself - that it doesn’t give a shit unless you’re rich. The USA IS FOR SALE , who ever gets to buy it gets to control it - along with you and I .

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What better way to “decrease the surplus population” than to saturate our cities with guns. The NRA has always fueled our government, promoting candidates with their big bucks. I agree with the blacks our government puts the guns on the streets. It sets up this reoccurring violence thru :a police state, and inadequate infrastructures. Mix this angst with the saturation of lethal drugs, another neglect that is allowed systemically and is part of the government’s criminal neglect, ignoring real mental health -there really is none, jail is the new mental ward. In cities our refugees grow as the homeless. Here in Iowa braindead Branstad in 2015 closed mental hospitals, he did not reform them , he did not open them.

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Iowa City better gear up for armed maniacs after the election. I personally saw two fascists talk a third fascist out of shooting up the big George Floyd march out to I-80 on Dubuque Street in May of 2020. Heard from a state (or Johnson County?) trooper guarding the interstate: "we're not afraid to put you in body bags." Killer Kim Reynolds would love to deploy the guard to murder protesters, but I digress.

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In this Cult of Clones …indeed KKKkimmy loved and acted like trump..( just like trump she got pissed ( narcissistic) when trump said he made her …so she did a 180 and lol she backed D’Santis)

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Misspoke in a place or two. On filibuster meant to say it takes 60 of 100 votes not 60 of 40 votes (obviously absurd) in the US Senate for a bill to be heard.

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Here’s the hard part as Vance (that sociopathic monster) stated quite eloquently. “America get used to it.”

Gun owners and the lobby don’t care how many kids die. They don’t care how many mass shooters there are or the numbers they kill.

Worse, they buy the fantasy that they have prevented gun deaths and crime.

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Thanks for sharing Paul. Guns kill people plain and simple. No guns no mass murder. It is simple as that. Hard to commit mass murder with a knife. If you look all those other countries you mentioned with zero mass murders they all limit access to guns. Certainly psychopathology plays a role as well but with no access to guns there would no mass murders. Unfortunately there is so much money in politics and the system is rigged against the common man that nothing will ever change in this country. And there will be more mass murder and more mass murder...

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If we're going to have more guns than people, and a frustration based propensity towards rabid levels of violence fomented by nearly unchartable levels of inequality and powerlessness, we should think about national health care, if only to treat our wounds.

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America is a capitalist nation. We are a brand that needs to keep selling ourselves, mostly to its own citizens. This is done through mass marketing and advertising. Hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars are spent on manipulating and propagandizing us. We are literally paying them to lie to us. We buy it hook line and sinker, in part, because why would we want to think anything else of the place they live, work and raise our children and in large part because we believe what we want to believe, or perhaps, more accurately, what we need to believe. At times, it is overwhelmingly depressing to realize how conditioned from birth we are. Particularly, in election cycles when the masses enthusiastically endorse another corporate, CIA chosen and groomed, vacuous, egomaniacal MIC suck-up brought to us by AIPAC. A nation that cares so little about its future, the children, is doomed to fail miserably.

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great to see you on vidio Paul.

yes America is a mess.

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The role of prescribed psychiatric drugs in each shooting needs to be disclosed. They amke people more violent and aggressive. Outlaw them first before ranting about school shootings.

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Gee, how about the violence-promoting US movies, television and video games if you want to bring up factors that make people more violent! Did you not get the main point of this "ranting"? It really wasn't about the debate you are entering. But since you went there, the main thing setting the US apart from other nations is not psychiatric drugs or video games etc. but in fact the incredibly widespread and easy access to guns (including military weapons of mass death like AR-15s) here. (Another key factor in a many of the shootings is white supremacism) You are off base.

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The general undying violence of American culture, must play a role. I had installed mind an article by a doctor who writes under the name "a midwestern doctor". He just reposted his article on the connection between SSRI antidepressant and suicide and mass shootings. RFK,Jr. Recently quoted him as one aspect of what he means by making America healthy again.

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Okay but RFK Jr is a deranged bear-dumping lunatic who recently endorsed the open fascist Donald "Poisoning Our Blood" Trump.

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"Installed mind" = inmind

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