Wow. Substack will let me comment again, with no profile.

So much info here, Paul. I might have to study the transcript unless I only want to remember the joke — no joke — about quoting Biden.

I love your recognition that we are not all inherently competitive, selfish, and dominance seeking.

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For sure Trump and Vance remarks have not helped quell the racism so prevalent in American society as well as across the pond. Thier comments helped bring it from a simmering to a boil in our society. But Paul....so many folks out their in our society triggered too easily to violent racist acts with even a little provocation. So sure blame Trump but also blame pur sick, society. Politicians of the duoploy are well versed in knowing their audience and pandering to their prejudices. A votes a vote

With half the voting public trumpeter ls and the other half war mongering exceptionalists...we're doomed.

So ya bring on the revcoms and their revolution you won't get much resistance from me. Hell I'll even join.


Huges and kisses to oreo.

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Is Brian Becker heir to Bob Avakian? I rode the bus to dc with some great communists and they kept asking me if I knew "Boh-Bah". I'm not trying to annoy, just absorb. I'm glad you are wearing a more cheerful shirt. https://medium.com/@stephenloveshow/once-more-unto-the-breach-9717214f1c29

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Thought provoking as usual. Thanks Paul.

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