4 hrs agoLiked by Paul Street

I love Raymond Lotta’s work! For anyone who asks about other “revolutions”, Lotta’s analysis of Venezuela under Chavez is very good.

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If you have a link please send as I need to up my knowledge game on Venezuela.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Paul Street

Thank you, Paul, for this powerful podcast…. on the heals of the crime against humanity/weaponization of the supply chain. IDF has not taken any responsibility yet but the dots trace back to their fascist regime.

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Hi Paul.

Listened and watched your commentary Part 3. You sited the Russian and Chinease revolutions. No mention of the Cuban system or some of the socialistic systems evolving in S. America and the Caribbean. What's you take of their systems.

Also if / whenever the Revolution happens here in the USA who do you think will be the communist leaders currently available to be the leaders. Please don't include octogenarians.

Always listen and try to find answers to my many doubts the the current system ain't working and needs replacing.

Oreo seems to be happy irrespective what system of government he's in. Why can't we all be happy living and loving our owners. Live the dogs life.


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Cuba's moment of being able to inspire real socialist revolution around the world seems to have gone away long ago probably thanks in part to having towed the revisionist Soviet line instead of aligning with Mao. There's some real corruption there and I understand the infrastructure is in dire condition. You know it's got about 10-11 million people, almost half the NY metro area. I've been there and do think it has a lot of admirable characteristics including not just a great health care sector but some interesting ecological innovations in the wake of the loss of Soviet oil. I was struck by how different race felt there -- much different and better than the US and by how educated everyday people seemed there. Castro's literacy programs was pretty cool. The waitress in the hotel I stayed in in Havana spoke English to me, French to another table, German to another table and Spanish to her colleagues. I will always defend Cuba against US embargo and invasion. Venezuela is not a country I know enough about to really get into but obviously it has been mercilessly targeted by the US Empire and US sanctions should be opposed. What's with the ageism? Biden is dithering and fading in his early 80s. Chomsky was sharp as Hell all through his 80s. Avakian is something like 81/82 and sharp as Hell. People age differently. If I don't start writing less I won't make it to 70. Che and Fidel wanted me and my parents and nursery school mates nuked at age 4 in October of 1962 - LOL. I try not to take that personally. Oreo's pronouns are she/her! :)

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Seems to me that you could add Fidel Castro to the very short list of successful revolutionary leaders against overwhelming odds.

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Excellent pod! Thanks for the links

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