The Latest Horrific Trump Rhetoric + Loose Ends on "Equality" + Thoughts on "Clairvoyance" + 21 Overlapping Left Afflictions + Reading Assignments in Show Notes
One thing I should have mentioned is a widespread and fundamental and crippling misunderstanding of Marx and thus of legitimate Marxism on the part of what passes for a Marxist "left" in the US: the belief that the major contradiction in capitalism between labor and capital. False, the leading driving contradiction is the anarchic conflict between social production and private appropriation and the related conflicts between capitals. The misunderstanding is at the core of the relentless revisionist economism, and related reifications of class struggle and "the" working class + -- the absurd over-attachment to the labor movement that helps turns Trots into de facto gradualist Mensheviks
The transcription here calls me "Paul Streep." Warch Meryl Streep get accused of having a communist younger brother :)
One thing I should have mentioned is a widespread and fundamental and crippling misunderstanding of Marx and thus of legitimate Marxism on the part of what passes for a Marxist "left" in the US: the belief that the major contradiction in capitalism between labor and capital. False, the leading driving contradiction is the anarchic conflict between social production and private appropriation and the related conflicts between capitals. The misunderstanding is at the core of the relentless revisionist economism, and related reifications of class struggle and "the" working class + -- the absurd over-attachment to the labor movement that helps turns Trots into de facto gradualist Mensheviks
"a Vakian." "Menschevism." LOL. The transcriptions are fun to read.
We've heard you'll be taking some down time before. Hope you do cause you've been pretty prolific the past couple of years. We can wait. Cause:
"What will be will be this November"
I am new to Substack. I need to find Parts 1 thru 4 here. Hope your leg gets better soon.
Jane Christenson from FB.