
You got that right Paul. This war is insanely absurd. Those against this war be they The left, The right, The Socialists, The Capitalists

-They all spin it according to the tribe they represent but united their voices could put an end to at least this absurd war. Stop the Killing. Stop the Maiming, the Raping of our Planet.

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The U.S, is very good at pushing people they can't control to a point of no other choice so they can retain some facade as liberators and not self interested monsters fronting the MIC. Ukraine has been a strategic desire for the US and Germany especially, since WW1. Personally, I believe Russia became a problem that needed to be solved when they interrupted the most brash, arrogant and guiling,... or( treacherous, cunning; skillful deceit ) 7 countries in five years plan that had already left hundreds of thousands dead and gave Europe an unprecedented refugee crisis that gave rise to the right from a populace that didn't see it coming.

Then came Russia to the aid of Syria. Keep in mind, the end game of the 7 in 5 plan was Iran. So, some of the people that are pro-peace in general, are especially so here, understanding the players and their lack of concern for Ukraine, Germany, Europe and the Middle East. I believe reckoning is coming. It started with BRICS, it's rising and the weakening dollar.

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"fronting the MIC" to me is kind of silly, as if it's all just about weapons contracts when we are talking about a parasitic world capitalist order and capitalist-imperialist competition and conflict over shares of the global surplus. Did not follow the middle of that comment...seems to need a rewrite. Btw, f the butcher Assad.

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The MIC is making more money off the Ukraine WAR that it did in all the US WARS since WWII against ONLY poor, 3rd World Countries with the most expensive Military Force in the History of Nations and couldn't get a win in any of them except for the MIC winning.

Americans dismissed the warning of the last real Commander-in-Chief, General-President Eisenhower after 8 years as President in his MIC speech when the DoD budget was $60 BILLION compared to close to $900 BILLION Today;

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.

The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government.

We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.

Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

The free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research.

Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

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You will not get rid of the MIC or the police state under capitalism-imperialism. That's just a historical-material fact. Go deeper.

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Maybe not peaceably, but downstream I linked to a report The Kansas City Times published September 13, 1976. They did a followup on ALL SOULS DAY, November 2, 1976 publishing this picture;


Is that deep enough?

The TV movie THE DAY AFTER Kansas City was incinerated in a nuclear holocaust was shown 7 years to the month later, on November 20, 1983.

Of the 100 MILLION people watching it that night, most probably I was the only one to recognize at the end of the movie and the destruction, it pauses at the very same picture frame published by The Kansas City Times on ALL SOULS DAY in 1976.

The movie could have been made in any major American City, but it was made in Kansas City and I had no influence or control to orchestrate those undeniable historical facts come into being long before Putin arrived on the scene.


It certainly is a SIGN of the TIMES of what's possible in our Generations with the US/NATO WAR with Russia over Ukraine in NATO so the US can have boots, tanks, artillery, missiles & rockets on the ground right on Russia's border, Russia legitimately sees as an EXISTENTIAL THREAT.

Biden and the neocons around him don't have the Common Sense of President Kennedy who saw how close this World came to self-annihilation with the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

In June 1963, Kennedy uttered the essential truth that can keep us alive today: “Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy–or of a collective death-wish for the world.”

Americans aren't that exceptional. The US was ready for Nuclear WAR with the Soviets in 1962 over Soviet missiles 90 miles away in Cuba and naturally Russia is reacting the very same way with the US determined to have Ukraine in NATO.

Unless Americans start protesting in the Streets like the French do, the US MIC is on the Path to self-destruction.


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Where does Assad line up in the war crimes sweepstakes... say... compared to any American president of the last many decades? Do you believe the completely debunked story of him "gassing his own people"? How does he stack up to the leaders of the murderous apartheid terrorist state of Israel? It is disturbing to see leftists going after the manufactured enemies of death cult #1 even though some of them are no doubt assholes. In addition, "Putin left" is a left punching smear. Most leftists I'm aware of don't give two fucks about Putin, but realize he was blatantly provoked by the repeatedly broken promise of no new NATO expansion, and the 2014 US sponsored coup which empowered Neo Nazis who subsequently murdered about 14,000 Russians in eastern Ukraine. Trump is not a uniquely evil villain, he is just more honest about being a monster than DemocRATS. A war criminal somewhat more restrained than others, although he committed many war crimes. 1/6 was not a coup attempt, but an opportunity for DemocRATS to clutch at their pearls over our death cult government in peril, and lick the boots of cops. It was a tiny right wing riot in which the only person killed was an unarmed woman BY A COWARDLY COP. Gob-smackingly, many DemocRATS, who've been conned by liberal presstitutes, to this day, still believe cops were killed (oh the horror!) by Trump's minions. Having Trump in the head and Putin under the bed, along with attacks on Assad or whomever the manufactured enemy of the day is, are symptoms of American exceptionalism.... surprising in one so smart.

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See , this is what I'm talking about, just ubiquitious in the online white guy RT left, such a weird af world. I'm a communist. Read my five part series on why I left the left and decided to identify as revolutionary Marxist/communist. It's an equal opportunity smack down: I go after a lot of the sorts of more liberal folks you probably loathe too. I find a lot of the comments here just completely F'd up from a revolutionary communist actual Marxist (as opposed to a geopolitical multipolarista campist perspective). If I was a real grifter I'd just play along with all this stuff and go all Jimmy Dore and run cover for Assad and all that. Oddly enough that's where the $ is here.

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Pathetic smears that would feel right at home emanating from the frothing pie-holes of DemocRAT(ick) party lapdogs are not a replacement for actually answering my question about Assad or addressing one fucking thing I said.

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This kind of vicious ass-clownery from confused mansplaining and raging faux-radical white dudes (mainly) is why I was warned to make comments open only to paid subscribers. LOL. I will from now on take heed. You gotta pay to mouth off like that! In the meantime, continue to self-harm here if you wish.

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Do you ever wear Bashar al-Assad portraits on sandwich boards as you explain to people how revolutionary communists supposedly front for the Dems, who are supposedly every bit as fascist as the Republicans? Very entertaining!

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OK, I get it. You're just another asshole who is fixated on Trump and despite your intellectualism, find yourself unable to answer a simple question or comment on a single thing I said. I will put you on the steaming pile with all the other bleating TDS victims. Bye.

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Interesting. . .

I don't share your passion for revolution, but think "revolution" is beside the point. It is happening anyway. Russia's war-of-aggression and the Moscow-Beijing Axis are bringing about welcome new world foreign policy alignments. Hopefully this movement will find enough momentum to carry planetary civil society toward deep revisions in the United Nations Charter. A multipolar world with meaningful choice for all is happening. Not only is it inevitable, but it is, in my opinion, highly desirable.

As for what is happening in France, a wise person pointed out that work expectations have changed over the past 40/50 years. Macron's reform seems to of a One-Size-Fits-All category and failed to account for lifestyle changes and the "new flexibility" afforded by digital media and remote work.

The bitterness that most French people seem to feel arises from the Macron government's authoritarian resort to article 49 paragraph 3 (the so called 49.3 clause). The Constitution of the Fifth Republic (adopted in 1958) was made necessary inn the first place by a generalized breakdown of the French parliamentary system as constituted in the Fourth Republic (1946 to 1958). Constitutional Article 49.3 is draconian and there is no question about that. Originally, what made the article necessary was the need to press "reset" when the system stalled.

Macron has made impolitic use of this constitutional clause as if he were defying the (divided) opposition to pass a motion of censure. If any of the cesure motions rececently voted had passed, Macron would have found himself obliged to renew his mandated either by naming a new prime minister, or in the worst case, dissolve the national assembly and call for national elections.

It seems to me this is "Democracy" at work.

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I am amused and a bit concerernd by all the folks who have given up on revolution and opted instead for geopolitics and warm feelings for Putin's Russia and Xi's China - nightmare states both. "Meaningful choice for all" under capitalism--- surely that is sarcasm. To equate a more multi-polar world capitlaist system with revolution --- yikes! Don't get me wrong: this mindset is all over Substack comments and is common among some of the bigger money writers here, who I find increasingly contemptible. But back to France. There were significant protests before the neoliberal creep Macron went 49.3, no? The notion of going backfards on retiremeent age is quite offensive. I agree on the wrongness of one size fits all. It's absurd: 42 years working as a railroad switchman vesus 34 years teaching philosophy or history (after 8 years in graduate school. or whateer the period before doctorate is in France) Yes, 49.3 is horrific and should be eradicated and Brigitte's young man's resort to it escalatated things. Here in the USA things are coming to some sort of radical resolution: fascist consoldiation or socialist reinvention. The smart money is on the former.

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I am not sure that "geopolitics and warm feelings for Putin's Russia and Xi's China" are a substitute for "revolution". I do not subscribe to the "revolution thesis", just like I could not and would not embrace anarchy. Man in society if he would avoid barbarity requires guide posts and purpose. I believe we all make choices, and the best I can do it choose what is in my own best interest. I then surround myself with like-minded people and give my allegiance to tht community that best reflects my own values. There is nothing complicated about such a hierarchy of values, but it is hierarchy and if compelled to do so, I would defend it.

The biggest story of our time (outside the creation of Substack's "notes space") is how the Ukraine war is tranforming Western alignments and the Post WWII world order. Putin, Xi Xing Ping, Brazil and India are all actively maneuvering for broader respresentation in a post-American world order.

How will the worldwide community of nations define power (and influence) when that happens? What will drive the post-environmental crisis community of nations: energy autonomy? access to capital resources? trade balances and surpluses . . . ?

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The Kansas City Times was quoting me over 2 generations ago publishing these brief excerpts out of so much more. “He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD'S BIDDING: To tell the World, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered [...] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of BABYLON,” he said.” [...] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a War with Russia.”

Because of that part of my Curriculum Vitae, BEFORE February 24, 2022 as the US was reporting on the buildup of 140,000 Russian troops on their side of the border without reporting the buildup of 100,000 Ukraine forces facing the Donbas, I started going to the OSCE website DAILY to see the Truce violations between the Ukrainian government and the Russian speaking UKRAINIANS the Ukraine government was shelling since the 2014 US/CIA orchestrated Coup/regime change of the elected Russian friendly Ukraine government, changing it for the US proxy anti-Russian government, precipitating the 8 year uncivil WAR in Ukraine.

The WAR already started by the fact the Truce violations dramatically increased between the Ukrainian government and the CIVILIAN Russian speaking UKRAINIANS in the East bordering Russia with up to 2000 violations a Day, PROVOKING the Russian SMO to stop the Ukrainian aggression.


I'm disappointed I won't be able to read you any more Paul, since my only income at 79 is Old Age Security with the Supplement of $1311 USD/month to pay rent, utilities, food, car expenses and everything else. You and too many other sites have priced themselves out of my ability to pay.

Good luck!


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I am not requiring payment for most of my content here. I am usually for free at CounterPunch. If I did an honest inventory of my writing labor time v my writing income, I'd be lucky to come in at minimum wage 😂

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For me writing is a labour of Love. I pay Wordpress not to advertise in my Blog I was not aware they were doing it until I went to it from a computer other than my own.

So much for their advertised Free web hosting in 2011 when I started it.

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