That song plays for about the first three minutes of Trump's June 24th speech to the Faith and Freedom Coaltiion in Washington DC ^

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Thank you very much. You are able to articulate what I am thinking, but I seemingly can't say well. Best wishes.

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Just to be clear I am doing a very bad but slightly humorous knock off spoof of the fascist anthem "Proud to be an American."

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It is not "a very bad" knock off of the seemingly endless Trump musical intro; it was a well played humorous twist to said anthem. Weird Al Yankovic started small, too; don't give up. Keep playing and singing, Weird Paul!

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Yeah it's a'ight actually. :)

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I remember part of the classic Brady Bunch remake: "And one day there was a class of burghers, they were growing fat on merchant capital/they appropriated surplus values, within feudal interstices."

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While you may have continued this creative political humor, in private, I think, perhaps, you should endeavor to more fully explore it, in public. God knows, with the 2024 elections looming only fifteen months away, we would be well served by a more sophisticated source of political humor than that displayed by the corporate candidates now running for the nominations.

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Any chance of posting the lyrics for those of us whose hearing has already moved out of the country? Thx

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well I just looked up the chords for "Proud to be an American," changed the key, and wrote this: 'If tomorrow all the things were gone/I'd worked for all my life/And I had to start again/With my children and [first absurd departure from the facist song's lyrics] your wife/I'd thank my lucky stars[same lyrics as original]/to be living here today [same]/cuz [new lyrics from here on] the red flag stands for freedom/for Black, white, straight and gay...CHORUS: And I'm proud to be a communist/cuz at least my mind is free/And I'll fight for the proletariat [revolution in second chorus]/Bring down the bourgeosie/ And I gladly stand up next to you to fight for socialism/Cuz there ain't no doubt that Marx was right/Workers of the world unite.

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I’m sure you find it nauseating when trump throws the Marxist label, at everyone lately that he comes into contact with.

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That's what makes me appreciate it. I'm so tired of Democrats throwing crap in my face; then they hurry up and put on their smiley grins again. This is a cathartic moment where I don't have to dwell on making a dozen bronze sculptures of a guillotine and drop one onto the steps of every federal reserve bank quite so much. Thanks again.

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