Easy to solve;

1. Ukraine agrees not to join NATO or have US bases

2. Russia agrees to 'lease' the Crimea from Ukraine for 99 years for a fee

3. Ukraine creates a federation whereby the Donbas has some autonomy on governance


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US Empire not interested. Wants to "weaken Russia" and send a message to China in relation to Taiwan. "Defense" contractors get to cash in. People die en masse.

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Tx. All this gets sooo confusing for average. Every day American folks like me.

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I've been reluctant to write much on Ukraine because its so hard to trust information. The Fog of War includes endless propaganda and distortion on all sides. Also, "the left" seems to have polarized in creepy ways, with some lefties I know idiotically aligning themselves with Putin and other lefties I know idiotically aligning with Zelensky and though him with US/NATO. Gross. Revolutionary socialists align with neither.

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What utterly insane bs pours from the mouths of these realists/idealists who we lowly ones are supposed to believe have some superior intelligence. 🤮

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I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. Neither of my parents had issues stemming from any “old country”. We were happy, and happy to be simply Americans. What I find with NATO membership, having been married to an Estonian/German and dated a Jewish man a whole other ball game. There was tremendous resentment for Russia in the case of my husband and Germany and the middle East for the Jewish man. No one seemed to be glad to just be America. There was a need to make people pay. I felt my innocence being taken from me as they needed to pull me into the hell of their parents and grandparents. In either case I did not see the need or good that could come from entertaining ideas of revenge at the expense of America. I love Russian art and literature. Estonia is uniquely beautiful. Germany is Germany. A beautiful nation that fell on times so hard, and a level of insecurity ripe for the rise of Hitler and extreme nationalism. The Middle East I find full of rich history and wisdom is simply full of people not like us that we are to love, regardless. Oddly, here we are. This war, imo, is about the Middle East and out 7 nations in 5 year plan that was interrupted by Russia’s sided with Syria and crushing our dream that ended with the real prize for Israel and the US, Iran. They who control energy and food control the world. Ukrainians are cannon fodder as we see how useful extreme nationalist can be to US proxy wars and the Baltic nations could be next. I wish we had the precious things like, democracy, free speech, and care for the poor we claim to wish to bring to other sovereign nations. We leave them devastated, and occupied, the rest of the world with refugee crisis hundreds of thousands dead to the tune of trillions of dollars. We are the world’s bully and our own worst enemy.

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Paul's cutting truths fall on deaf ears by those holding power.

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Win, dominate regardless of the costs. This is essentially the mindset of empire and it is what fundamentally drives policy makers in the US elite. There are many complexities but there are also some easily stated, primary truths.

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