
On Not Knowing (or Not Showing You Know) What Time it is

As the Fascist Jig Saw Puzzle Gets Filled In

I should have added that Joy Reid has given some voice to critics of the US-Israel crucifixion of Gaza. That’s also probably part of her axing.

I refer in my talk to this recent PSR:

Report on Joy Reid firing: https://www.yahoo.com/news/joy-reid-staff-had-tense-021257201.html?

The wild fascist Dan Bongino appointment as Deputy Director of the FBI: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/24/dan-bongino-fbi-deputy-director

Cancellation of Carter Presidential library events: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/22/arts/national-archives-carter-library-cancels-event.html?

Musk congratulations to AfD: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/24/world/europe/musk-afd-weidel-call.html

BTW, here’s one I missed a while back - Trump opening up an investigation of “P”BS and N“P”R: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/24/world/europe/musk-afd-weidel-call.html

Sanders’ Iowa City speech two days ago:

“Bernie Sanders Warns Iowa City About Rise of Oligarchy Power” — a darkly amusing title for the video from Forbes. I remember John Edwards campaigning here and across the state against billionaire and oligarchy rule in 2007. Edwards used to talk about “the two Americas”: the one percent and the ninety-nine percent (for real, four plus years before Occupy that was his language). I remember an Occupy Wall Street encampment three blocks from my house in IC in the late summer through the early winter of 2011. I remember speaking out against One Percent domination of the US in Iowa City’s Ped Mall that fall (2011). I remember the escalated corporate takeover of the Democratic Party in the second half of the 1970s - something you can read about here (look for the chapter with “Cartlerland” in the title) and here. Here’s my own post-Occupy book on US capitalist oligarchy back in the day: They Rule: The 1% v Democracy (2014).

Creepy jigsaw puzzle:

Cool jigsaw puzzle:

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