I gather you are referring to the article at counterpunch by a prof. I admire greatly. I wont mention the name because you didnt. I had the same reaction you had to the phrases he used and the both sides do-it-ism. I got the impression he has had a high regard for Israel in the past and cannot completely come to terms with the reality that Israel is and always was a fascist colony.
I am no better, I have been rocked to the very foundation of my beliefs by the horrors I have recently learned about. If not for the U.S. wanting this genocide to continue, it would end with one phone call from genocide joe.
Thank you for taking the time to keep screaming at people like me to wake up.
a BRILLIANT author and friend who I magine wants to be heard and read in broader audiences that I don't try or pretend to be able reach. There are some Hamas fighters of course but I just can't call it the Israel-Hamas War and for me it very important to hit again and again on the central role of the USA, the top dog imperialist aggressor and the funder and protector and equipper of rabid dog Israel.
The late Glen Brown is close to a textbook example of the older white male mansplaining Berniebro anti-communist I've been getting bitterly lectured by for about four years now. I don't mind principled ideological debate buth he crossed the line of personal attack as these sorts are wont to do, sadly. In cases like this, I hit the button for refund subscription. I need backers but I'm not in this for the money and I don't want backing from people who tell me I have no sense of humor! LOL!!!!
A philosophy professor I had argued that democracy required thinking skills and wants of the majority frightened him the most. He liked Fredrick The Great. And then after pointing out all the good things Fredrick did the fall back of course was Winston's
Democracy is terrible. . . but the best we have come up with.
He had to say that...after saying so many good things about Fredrick. But one left the lecture knowing the pitfalls of democracy. Cornel West points out how we treat minorities says the state of democracy...AMERICA is a plutocracy...a minority fucking the majority
To be candid US "democracy" and Western democracy more broadly cloaks an underlying class dictatorship of capital. On minorities...the US is a Minority Rule order on different levels, including the many sided rule of capital, the rule of capitalist empire, and wildly disproportionate power granted the right wing under the US constitutional order. Revolutionary communism is by far the best we have come up with and is something very different than transparently inauthentic western bourgeois democracy, handmaid to fascism, endless war and now ecocide. We will not keep an actual revolution. If we cling to vapid formalistic Western democracy, trust me. Such childish clinging is just EZ PASS counterrevolution.
Changing society quickly with a communist revolution will find us free of so much dysfunction so the theory goes. Unfortunately, that option did not work out very well in the last century as the regimes of Stalin and Mao resulted in the deaths of millions and failed to create a new socialist man. However, Nordic nations have evolved to build a democratic socialism, a quality of life so much less sickened by extreme capitalism which has cornered every aspect of American society. The likes of Bernie and AOC see past the magical revolution but trudge the long slow road to real change.
You have completely deleted the significantly determinant role of imperial encirclement in the failures of past socialist states. You delete the very real and remarkable accomplishments of those states. You need to understand that the RCP and Avakian have studied the record of those states with a proper combination of critique and appreciation and advanced a readily Available new communism. The long slow trudge is over, cancelled by the speed of ecological and other crises and by its own complicity in capitalist imperialism. We do not agree.
Of course we do not agree. You are all or nothing at all.. .and of magical solutions. . .and you dismiss anyone who sees things differently
You are angry and a know it all. 153 nations today voted against American Imperialism. America is becoming more isolated and resented by the world. Now that is good news .
Okay so you have gone full pain in the ass. It happens. I've actually been quite polite and patient with you. And here you go low instead of actully addressing the issues I raised. Accusing me of being "angry" (LOL) --- do you have a problem with anger? --- and "dismissing anyone who sees things differently" instead of actually engaging with (for example) the issues of imperial encirclement (and attack), real socialist state accomplishments and the emergence of a new commnism. Look, here's an antidote to your reflexive anti-communism regarding the USSR and Red China and the NC. Instead of spending so much time in comments sections, read it: https://revcom.us/en/a/323/you-dont-know-what-you-think-you-know-en.html
And one thing that is darkly hilarious, Glen Brown, is you upholding/liking (me too) that 153 nation UN GA vote but before that trumpeting the "long slow trudge" of the great Berndog when F'ng Sanders came out against a ceasfire like a Zionist pig ffs (oh, oh, I sound "angry" --- watch out....anger!). How absurd, Glen Brown! As for your long slow trudge, you might want to have a look at the latest climate reports and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientisss' latest Doomsday Clock settings. :)
Man is irrational. Wherever he goes-whatever form of government he takes this irrationality goes with him. His desire for more-his greed-his need or tendency towards hierarchy.
I have been to Cuba. These are really well educated people with universal health care. But they hate the extreme inequity caused by and extreme attempt at equality.
Hotel clerks make more than Doctors because there they get tips.
Paul says some good things did come out of Mao’s China and Stalin’s Russia.
Of Course America played up the millions murdered. Just like we are playing up the slaughter of civilians in Gaza.
Some good things can be found in any country at most times in any system.
And guess what Paul some good things are happening in America. Not everything about America is sick.
You are blinded by hate.
In the political Science Department I used to say there is no such thing as political “Science “ Just like economics is not a science.
Human behaviour is irrational.
“Scientific” Communism is bullshit.
A healthy man wakes up and says I could be wrong…I don’t know…-he has a sense of humor.
Paul there is no humour or eloquence or “I could be wrong” to you. Just rage and rant.
Chris Hedges models an extremely critical mind with eloquence.
Let this sink in Paul. Don’t give another reactionary response.
I do know where you are coming from. I am a paid subscriber who shares much of your criticism but believes your solutions are magical. I am a teacher who wants to see you grow. Balance and diversity serve the character of the person…and the character of the nation.
Being right all the time must be exhausting. Spewing anger all the time is not balanced.
I could be wrong. But this is what I think you need to hear comrade.
By the way, I argued back in the 1980s that the better way was to help Russia with a Marshal Plan-not that plan in particular of course, but in giving them assistance-security rather than feeding Russian insecurity with an arms race and war rhetoric. A Marshal Plan could have helped Gorbachev transition. Gorbachev basically rejected communism and believed that the Nordic nation's democratic Socialism was the way to go.
Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. At China’s current national poverty line, the number of poor fell by 770 million over the same period.
I guess the greatest movement of people out of poverty is no big deal to Glen Brown, probably cause they cant get 40 different flavors of ice cream.
I gather you are referring to the article at counterpunch by a prof. I admire greatly. I wont mention the name because you didnt. I had the same reaction you had to the phrases he used and the both sides do-it-ism. I got the impression he has had a high regard for Israel in the past and cannot completely come to terms with the reality that Israel is and always was a fascist colony.
I am no better, I have been rocked to the very foundation of my beliefs by the horrors I have recently learned about. If not for the U.S. wanting this genocide to continue, it would end with one phone call from genocide joe.
Thank you for taking the time to keep screaming at people like me to wake up.
a BRILLIANT author and friend who I magine wants to be heard and read in broader audiences that I don't try or pretend to be able reach. There are some Hamas fighters of course but I just can't call it the Israel-Hamas War and for me it very important to hit again and again on the central role of the USA, the top dog imperialist aggressor and the funder and protector and equipper of rabid dog Israel.
The late Glen Brown is close to a textbook example of the older white male mansplaining Berniebro anti-communist I've been getting bitterly lectured by for about four years now. I don't mind principled ideological debate buth he crossed the line of personal attack as these sorts are wont to do, sadly. In cases like this, I hit the button for refund subscription. I need backers but I'm not in this for the money and I don't want backing from people who tell me I have no sense of humor! LOL!!!!
I said in the audio I would put some past pieces up in the comments. I've got dozens on the topics in question. Here are two decent ones:
A philosophy professor I had argued that democracy required thinking skills and wants of the majority frightened him the most. He liked Fredrick The Great. And then after pointing out all the good things Fredrick did the fall back of course was Winston's
Democracy is terrible. . . but the best we have come up with.
He had to say that...after saying so many good things about Fredrick. But one left the lecture knowing the pitfalls of democracy. Cornel West points out how we treat minorities says the state of democracy...AMERICA is a plutocracy...a minority fucking the majority
To be candid US "democracy" and Western democracy more broadly cloaks an underlying class dictatorship of capital. On minorities...the US is a Minority Rule order on different levels, including the many sided rule of capital, the rule of capitalist empire, and wildly disproportionate power granted the right wing under the US constitutional order. Revolutionary communism is by far the best we have come up with and is something very different than transparently inauthentic western bourgeois democracy, handmaid to fascism, endless war and now ecocide. We will not keep an actual revolution. If we cling to vapid formalistic Western democracy, trust me. Such childish clinging is just EZ PASS counterrevolution.
Changing society quickly with a communist revolution will find us free of so much dysfunction so the theory goes. Unfortunately, that option did not work out very well in the last century as the regimes of Stalin and Mao resulted in the deaths of millions and failed to create a new socialist man. However, Nordic nations have evolved to build a democratic socialism, a quality of life so much less sickened by extreme capitalism which has cornered every aspect of American society. The likes of Bernie and AOC see past the magical revolution but trudge the long slow road to real change.
You have completely deleted the significantly determinant role of imperial encirclement in the failures of past socialist states. You delete the very real and remarkable accomplishments of those states. You need to understand that the RCP and Avakian have studied the record of those states with a proper combination of critique and appreciation and advanced a readily Available new communism. The long slow trudge is over, cancelled by the speed of ecological and other crises and by its own complicity in capitalist imperialism. We do not agree.
Of course we do not agree. You are all or nothing at all.. .and of magical solutions. . .and you dismiss anyone who sees things differently
You are angry and a know it all. 153 nations today voted against American Imperialism. America is becoming more isolated and resented by the world. Now that is good news .
Okay so you have gone full pain in the ass. It happens. I've actually been quite polite and patient with you. And here you go low instead of actully addressing the issues I raised. Accusing me of being "angry" (LOL) --- do you have a problem with anger? --- and "dismissing anyone who sees things differently" instead of actually engaging with (for example) the issues of imperial encirclement (and attack), real socialist state accomplishments and the emergence of a new commnism. Look, here's an antidote to your reflexive anti-communism regarding the USSR and Red China and the NC. Instead of spending so much time in comments sections, read it: https://revcom.us/en/a/323/you-dont-know-what-you-think-you-know-en.html
Those sorts of UN National Assembly votes are nothing remotely new. Of course I back them, as any decent human should.
And one thing that is darkly hilarious, Glen Brown, is you upholding/liking (me too) that 153 nation UN GA vote but before that trumpeting the "long slow trudge" of the great Berndog when F'ng Sanders came out against a ceasfire like a Zionist pig ffs (oh, oh, I sound "angry" --- watch out....anger!). How absurd, Glen Brown! As for your long slow trudge, you might want to have a look at the latest climate reports and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientisss' latest Doomsday Clock settings. :)
Man is irrational. Wherever he goes-whatever form of government he takes this irrationality goes with him. His desire for more-his greed-his need or tendency towards hierarchy.
I have been to Cuba. These are really well educated people with universal health care. But they hate the extreme inequity caused by and extreme attempt at equality.
Hotel clerks make more than Doctors because there they get tips.
Paul says some good things did come out of Mao’s China and Stalin’s Russia.
Of Course America played up the millions murdered. Just like we are playing up the slaughter of civilians in Gaza.
Some good things can be found in any country at most times in any system.
And guess what Paul some good things are happening in America. Not everything about America is sick.
You are blinded by hate.
In the political Science Department I used to say there is no such thing as political “Science “ Just like economics is not a science.
Human behaviour is irrational.
“Scientific” Communism is bullshit.
A healthy man wakes up and says I could be wrong…I don’t know…-he has a sense of humor.
Paul there is no humour or eloquence or “I could be wrong” to you. Just rage and rant.
Chris Hedges models an extremely critical mind with eloquence.
Let this sink in Paul. Don’t give another reactionary response.
I do know where you are coming from. I am a paid subscriber who shares much of your criticism but believes your solutions are magical. I am a teacher who wants to see you grow. Balance and diversity serve the character of the person…and the character of the nation.
Being right all the time must be exhausting. Spewing anger all the time is not balanced.
I could be wrong. But this is what I think you need to hear comrade.
By the way, I argued back in the 1980s that the better way was to help Russia with a Marshal Plan-not that plan in particular of course, but in giving them assistance-security rather than feeding Russian insecurity with an arms race and war rhetoric. A Marshal Plan could have helped Gorbachev transition. Gorbachev basically rejected communism and believed that the Nordic nation's democratic Socialism was the way to go.
You have now engaged in personal attack, totally unfounded. Let's get your subscription cancelled at once!
Glen Brown, I think you just got $70 back. Merry XMas. :)
Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. At China’s current national poverty line, the number of poor fell by 770 million over the same period.
I guess the greatest movement of people out of poverty is no big deal to Glen Brown, probably cause they cant get 40 different flavors of ice cream.
or is it 42, god I love america.