This posting is a home run! Paul knocks Obama and the dismal dollar drenched dems out of the park with the facts and great reporting from the other journalists he incorporates in this piece.
Unfortunately some of my friends and acquaintances who always vote for Democrats are similar to magats, either they won't care to read the whole piece, or if they do read it they won't absorb or believe the obvious logical point of it.
And others will send me the same shit I am sure Paul often receives, (In no way am I comparing myself to Paul!) like: "oh this is Marxist drivel" .
The poisoning of the population of Flint, it seems to me, is exhibit A on the effects of the Obama and middle class identity politics as whole on the fight- back mounted against it.
It was white working class people that took the lead here. In this particular case they were more alienated from the existing local power structure than workers of color.
Just that, as u say Obama being Black has been disarming and the majority of City Council and special administrator appointed by Snyder were Black. White Liberals are not the only folks disarmed
Well, really you'd need some kind of opinion poll that never happened to give evidence for the thesis that "white workers were more alienated from the existing local power structure than workers of color." Like...what happened to show that? So ....(a) "white working class" people protested against the poisoning of the city's water and Black working class folks didn't and --- if this was in fact the case (again, was it?) -- then (b) this was because "workers of color" identified with Obama and Black City Council folks and the Black administrator Snyder appointed cuz of identity politics? I'm not sure I understand the assumption that Obama's color and the color of the city council and the special administrator disarmed the workers of color. I mean, I guess...maybe. I honestly would leave the phrase "the white working class" to the right...they can have that phrase. The working class is mutliracial. I guess one can empirically justify the phrase "white working class" to mean simply that section of the working class that is Caucasian but the phrase has on the whole had a pretty revanchist and ugly meaning and it is commonly used to false portray the Trump's very white base as proletarian.
No, there is no poll. It is my understanding, and my view that it is the case that the fight-back was led primarily by white workers and yes It is speculation on my part that "identity politics" played a part in this reversal of roles. Of course the wc is multiracial but the term "white workers"has relevance. Racial privilege is what most often places them on the wrong side of struggles for democracy and working class power. I submit that was/is not the case in Flint.
It Is to their credit that the "Caucasians" were not baited into racial animus by the correct description of Flint being about "environmental racism". Underneath it all, it is about profit and power.
As to Trump, poll after poll shows his strength in that sector of the wc, but I agree that they hardly define his base. Fascism here follows historical pattern in other societies where it came to power.
have you read this and the previous two pieces? There's a bit more to it than "someone doesn't like Obama." Actually at first in the late 1990s I was intrigued and looked forward to hearing him speak at some policy event in Chicago. He seemed a'ight. I hadn't read the Village Voice piece by Reed and had no idea what he was about. I think maybe this someone has some issues with capitalism-imperialism and racism and their enablers and servants in the political superstructure.
The Street beat.
Where do you get the energy Paul. Red Bull!
You can get “black agenda“ by Glen Ford from OR books at
French Roast (dark) coffee!
This posting is a home run! Paul knocks Obama and the dismal dollar drenched dems out of the park with the facts and great reporting from the other journalists he incorporates in this piece.
Unfortunately some of my friends and acquaintances who always vote for Democrats are similar to magats, either they won't care to read the whole piece, or if they do read it they won't absorb or believe the obvious logical point of it.
And others will send me the same shit I am sure Paul often receives, (In no way am I comparing myself to Paul!) like: "oh this is Marxist drivel" .
Yup you are what you eat
Well I catch hell from goons and buffoons who think they are Marxists too. Lol
In my mind, the essence of that great man, Mr. 44, and his true Legacy for the Ages, were his eternal words, "We tortured some folks."
The rest is silence.
He took delight in personally selecting US drone assassination/execution victims. Real SOB, BO
What ate your thought on DeBoer.
I read some of his essays and scratch head in not understanding him or if I'm reading his thoughts correctl; disagreeing
Keep drinking the coffee not the koolade.
The poisoning of the population of Flint, it seems to me, is exhibit A on the effects of the Obama and middle class identity politics as whole on the fight- back mounted against it.
It was white working class people that took the lead here. In this particular case they were more alienated from the existing local power structure than workers of color.
Life is complicated
What do you mean here about "the white working class" and how they were more alienated.....?! Feel free to elaborate.
Just that, as u say Obama being Black has been disarming and the majority of City Council and special administrator appointed by Snyder were Black. White Liberals are not the only folks disarmed
Well, really you'd need some kind of opinion poll that never happened to give evidence for the thesis that "white workers were more alienated from the existing local power structure than workers of color." Like...what happened to show that? So ....(a) "white working class" people protested against the poisoning of the city's water and Black working class folks didn't and --- if this was in fact the case (again, was it?) -- then (b) this was because "workers of color" identified with Obama and Black City Council folks and the Black administrator Snyder appointed cuz of identity politics? I'm not sure I understand the assumption that Obama's color and the color of the city council and the special administrator disarmed the workers of color. I mean, I guess...maybe. I honestly would leave the phrase "the white working class" to the right...they can have that phrase. The working class is mutliracial. I guess one can empirically justify the phrase "white working class" to mean simply that section of the working class that is Caucasian but the phrase has on the whole had a pretty revanchist and ugly meaning and it is commonly used to false portray the Trump's very white base as proletarian.
No, there is no poll. It is my understanding, and my view that it is the case that the fight-back was led primarily by white workers and yes It is speculation on my part that "identity politics" played a part in this reversal of roles. Of course the wc is multiracial but the term "white workers"has relevance. Racial privilege is what most often places them on the wrong side of struggles for democracy and working class power. I submit that was/is not the case in Flint.
It Is to their credit that the "Caucasians" were not baited into racial animus by the correct description of Flint being about "environmental racism". Underneath it all, it is about profit and power.
As to Trump, poll after poll shows his strength in that sector of the wc, but I agree that they hardly define his base. Fascism here follows historical pattern in other societies where it came to power.
have you read this and the previous two pieces? There's a bit more to it than "someone doesn't like Obama." Actually at first in the late 1990s I was intrigued and looked forward to hearing him speak at some policy event in Chicago. He seemed a'ight. I hadn't read the Village Voice piece by Reed and had no idea what he was about. I think maybe this someone has some issues with capitalism-imperialism and racism and their enablers and servants in the political superstructure.