
Blue Maga Joe approved the eco-exterminist Willow Project right after I wrote this. Despicable. F him and his apologists.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Paul Street

Did you travel from Iowa to NYC only to have your interview cancelled at the last minute? That's so fucked up. I rarely get my news from video of any kind and I'm not a regular viewer of DN. Now I'm even less inclined to tune in. Thanks for yet another interesting piece. I'm not allowed to comment on your posts on Facebook for some reason, but glad to add my two-cents here.

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Oh yes that happened ...at a key moment, between Obama's election and his inauguration. Yup. My publisher paid for the flight. It was an epic FU, not the kind of thing that is easily or indeed EVER forgotten, Alec.

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I'll fix that on FB but it's a nasty venue.

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I was perfectly positioned to write that first Obama book cuz of the background in Marxist history and antiwar politics + the years in Black Civil Rights policy work in Chicago + the up close look at and involvement in the 2007-08 Iowa presidential caucus extravaganza. I was ""the guy" on "the left' on Obama and where we were headed at the time. Ask Pilger, Chomsky and Cornel West They knew. Amy knew better 😂😆!!

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He lives in the bubble. He honestly believes Biden is a good President. I’m in the finding him and the deep state he fronts nauseating camp. I live in NC, NAFTA devastated much of the mill towns and scores in manufacturing jobs. They found a friend in Rush Limbaugh who constantly reminded them that liberal elites doesn’t give a damn about them and look down their noses at them. By the time Hillary called them “ deplorables” they were already done. Her actions in Benghazi infuriated the military right. They, liberal elites once again will have no one to blame but themselves with a rise of the right, and the whole of government with the rise of BRICS. The question is how far will the msm media industrial complex be able to get in terrifying people to vote the “lesser” evil. Great article. Thanks

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I'm with Hedges on this one, but good article and thoughts.

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There's praise for CH in this essay, just to be clear. In the end I align more with CH than with MH. Defense of the 1-6-2021 putschist fascists is both morally and practically indefensible imo. And the orange ringleader belongs in a small cell. In my experience and observation the desire to make nice with the "deplorables" is about 90 percent an older white male thing.

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No reasons given for your siding so no chance of evaluating position. Sorry.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Since he hadn't read Hedges's piece, how could he give a sound critique?

Democracy Now is horrible these days, The Grayzone has a good video explaining. I couldn't believe it, a couple of years ago when DN had some Shrub 2 author on rewriting history on Shrub 2 presidency, the US Invasion and destruction of Iraq, and Juan didn't say a thing.

Learning that Amy and crew threw Julian Assange under the bus by saying nothing while the other guy lied - AND THEY KNEW IT. Truly astounding that Amy did that. She serves her billionaires well, as well. DN has much to correct. They've pushed alot of falsehoods, narrative. No longer "the exception to the rulers".

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So you literally did not read my essay --- or at least did not read it closely enough to understand it. I quote him directly where he says "no, yeah, I didn't read it" and then specifically pointed out that he got something quite specific very right anyway. That something specific was the abject absurdity of painting out the white neofascist January 6th rioters as victims of "judiicial lynching," I argue that Hasan is correct to note the racial cluelessness of CH's take on how these despicable fascst maniacs are being treated and observe that the real disparity that seems more relevant is that between the punishment given to some of the footsoldiers and the lack of punishment given to Trump. I later go on to show ways in which Hedges gets some stuff much better than Hasan to say the least. It's weird to write articles and then have to explain them again in comments sections. And there's nothing about Assange in my essay or its subject matter so why bring him up. ( I think Assange's politics suck but that he is being horifically and unjustly repressed for exposing crimes of Empire....but anyway he has nothing to do with this essay. )

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I literally did read your essay. For me, essentially 4th handed commentary, especially when 2 in the middle (DN and Hassan) have significant credibility gaps (why I gave the DN gaslight of Assange and other example), not Independent/work for billionaires, seem to prefer to focus on culture war over class war, etc, while there was no mention of the FBI rioters or the Capitol Police ushering in the rioters, no mention of the riot being the excuse for ushering in Patriot Act 2.0, as Glenn Greenwald named it, (Patriot Act 2.0 - I would imagine any Muslim American would seriously concerned about), no mention of a number of them being military veterans and why they were there, etc. ... 4th handed commentary on a Chris Hedges piece, why bother? As soon as Medhii said he didn't read it, a credible Juan would have dropped it. Quite something, it would be laughable if it wasn't so absurd, for Hassan to call racial cluelessness on Hedges.

With Russell Brand being called a right winger now, maybe Hedges will be next. (Understanding that the left-right labels are archaic and useless now).

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Author

Well, when you read it to the end you see that I myself have a personal gripe with DN. I was literally headed down to their studios to tell progressives the real story on the neoliberal imperialist Barack Obama during the period between his election in inauguation. And they wouldn't have me on. But here you are exaggerating the importance of MH having read CH's essay really to the point of absurdity imho. JG did not really misrepresent CH's position on the January 6th putchists getting sentenced and doing time and MH was dead on to bring up (a) the racial angle and (b) the real madness of the January 6th ringleaders going free. And actually, CH is lucky MH didn't read it because if he had MH would definitely and rightly been disgusted about the use of the word LYNCHING for God's sakes. So, no, in my opinion you just aren't getting it. Seems like maybe a racial blind spot.

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If we can agree to momentarily get past the use of the term “lynching”, can we try to address the thesis of CH”s article, which I don’t think either MH or PS has done? The fact that minorities would have been treated (much) worse than the white nationalist rioters have been does not mean that said rioters haven’t been treated unfairly; both the real and hypothetical treatments could be (as CH argues) excessive. Beyond that error in simple logic, CH’s thesis still hasn’t been addressed: that the draconian punishments, sympathetically described In harrowing detail by a true journalist (no one deserves torture, which is what solitary confinement and indefinite detention are), will inevitably come back to hurt radicals. What if these 5 year sentences are given to Sunshine Movement or XR activists the next time they “occupy” a Congressional office for progressive change?

(As an aside, I’m huge fans of you both, and I’d appreciate any resources that better explain CH’s differences with you, especially on Marxism/Leninism. I can’t find info on why he rejects them.)

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author


^ I mean and bear in mind here we have people going away for life for nonviolent offenses and much driven by misery and poverty because of race-class oppression --- all something rather different than enlisting in a movement to overthrow what little is left of US democracy in a F'ng violent assault on the nation's representative branch. I could go on. I'm sorry, but all this "left" concern for the 1-6 "political prisoners" is just creepy and borderline disqualifying for me. And perhaps you saw the play-along with far-right madness over "entrapment" on 1-6-21/ Look, let's leave this kind of madness to that revolting and reptilian licker of fascist boots Glenn Greenwald, about whose early history (much worse than commonly known) I hope to find time to write about one week this year.

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How high on your list of concerns about unjust incarceration are the Amerikaner putschists of 1-6-21 though? https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Documents/Race%20Report%20Preview.pdf

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So to help you put race aside, Google up the case of Jessica Reznicek: eight years in federal lock up on insane terrorism charge because she did some righteous monkey-wrenching to try to stop eco-cide. http://supportjessicareznicek.com/

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A good analysis of the incompetent Biden Administration that is leading our country into many major problems, most recently,the banking meltdown, which they seem to think can be solved through having the largest military and 800 bases around the world. They are so stupid that the sanctions they put on Russia is having major detrimental effects on the US and our European allies. In addition Biden is a habitual liar. I stopped watching DN, since most of the time it was not that independent and was the same as corporate media. Even worst when I contacted them to voice my concern they never got back to me. Concerning CH, I believe even fascists should be treated fairly. So that for example a rioter should not be placed in extensive pretrial detention in solitary confinement. I did have concerns about that column, but overall he is one the strongest voices, along with Paul Street, for a better more just peaceful world.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Author

....the concern for fascists is to me misplaced and strange. They are getting off easy for trying to overthrow what's left of democracy in the US, which isn't much :). I am aware of the CH argument that repression of right makes it easier to repress "the left." It does not impress me in the slightest. Any real radical knows very well that a socialist uprising against capitalism-imperialism would elicit massive state repression - repression that would hardly be ameliorated by a precedent of fascist putschists escaping serious punishment for trashing the US Capitol and conducting an armed uprising. At the same time, a socialist uprising would not be about running into US Capitol to stop the certification of a presidential election for God's sake. It would involve a broad and deeply organized insurgency in workplaces, streets, public squares, schools, oftices and the broad culture across the country, mass general political strikes and efforts to recruit and win over people from the military and much more. We are far from the level of organization for all that, to be sure, to say the least, but the notion that we would be more able to carry out such activities if a bunch of Amerikaner fascists get off lightly for January F'ng 6th is pretty absurd. In the meantime, when does Trump get sent to the federal Death Row in Terre Haute?! Hasan is quite right to not the real outrage of the ringleaders going free.

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CH, cites a case where one of the rioters was placed in pretrial detention for two years, much of it in solitary confinement. This seems extreme and not necessary.

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Yeah that sucked. I agree. Meanwhile Jessica Reznicek is doing eight years in federal prison for "terrorism" cuz she did a little monkey wrenching to try to save livable ecology and masses of Black and brown folks are locked up for decades for nonviolent offenses and never tried to stop the certification of a duly elected POTUS with physical force. I have a hard time getting super upset about the mistreated putschist, I fully confess

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If you are interested in protecting civil rights and liberties you should be upset when anyone is abused or treated unfairly. I would imagine a lot people said the same thing about the torture and detection of Muslims after 9/11 or about Jessica Rezinicek or Julian Assange. “I have a hard time getting upset about the mistreated.....” I am surprised concerning your position in relation to this.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

I think my five part series on the lame left should dispel surprise. There is just no space for getting remotely upset about the fate of fascists in my world view. Never has been and never will be. I think a lot of white guys thought I was a little Trumpenlefty and soft on the supposedly working class white right like them cuz of the books and essays I wrote on and against the awful neoliberalism and imperialism (and objective white supremacism) of Obama. They got me wrong. I'm militantly anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-fascist and mistreated Christian white nationalist Amerikaner putschists are about as low on my list of who I feel to compelled to speak up for as any human beings on Earth...the only folks lower on my moral concerns list are in the ruling classes.

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Speaking of white guys....I don't like standpoint epistemology one bit. At the same time political views do not fall out randomly with zero sorting by race, age, gender and the like. I've heard and read a good number of people express concern over the January 6 participants' sentences and prison terms in the lasst year or so. I'd say about 20 or so examples of that. Every single one of them and I mean every single one so far has been a white male 45 years or older.

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They stormed the Bastille . Why?. Many where X military. Why? Many were feed up with neocon ethos. WHY? All said WTF and stormed the bastille.

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Nah...you are just repeating. Look, this is just an old white guy thing and best to admit it. Seriously; I've been through all this nonsense again and again and again. "Punchng down's" meanng is not self-evident, though I can guess what it means and if my guess is right its a BS charge: observing that fascist people are fascists is observing that fascist people are fascists. I suspect you are plagued by the false assumption that all these poor bedraggled "victims" of January 6 prosecutions and sentences are potentially progressive proletarians. Look at my latest book, the fourth chapter. I just take all you guys apart on this, piece by piece, false belief by false belief. I know the drill. No time for ther NHL anymore I'm afraid.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 14, 2023
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So you didn't read my essay with any serious care and are now reduced to the standard Trumpenlet hyper-asininity of smearing me as a liberal, which is of course totally idiotic since (among other reasons) I have just finished a five-part series here in defense of a Marxist Leninist revolutionary communist approach. If you read my books, which I'm sure you don't ---- how could you?, you are too busy building giant word counts in online comments sections :) ---- you would see that my grasp of the duopoly and the system within which it takes place is far more comprehensive and radical than yours. One thing all you guys are really good at is lecturing radicals on stuff radicals already know --- on stuff in my case I have published hundreds of polemics about and numerous books on. It's like you all want Lenin (or Chomsky) Prizes for figuring out that the Democrats are capitalist imperialists! Hilarious. Good for you! And of course you guys habitually cannot distinguish between the substantive anti-racism and anti-sexism of an actual revolutionary Marxist and the weaker anti-racism and anti-sexism of bourgeois identity politico...and that is how you moronically end up calling an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist communist a "liberal" (because he or she voices strong opposition to racism and/or sexism and/or nativism and/or LGBT-bashing!) Basically you tough guys end up sounding like you'e gagging on Trump in the name of "the left." You all say the same shit without any seeming sense that the rest of you are saying the same thing. It's a joke. I am now recalling your endless Trumpenleft Putin-digging white manslpaining harangues on other social media outlets. "Oh that creep."

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But ffs Russia not a topic in this particular interview. Whether Hasan is right or wrong on Russiagate has literally nothing to do with the subject matter here. Let's say, okay, he's totally wrong on Russia and 2016.. Okay fine. How does that invalidate what he says on race and January 6th? Seriously. Did you ever get a math paper back from a teacher saying "you got problem number 7 wrong and therefore I am ruling all your other answers incorrect"? Of course you didn't. As for "his critique of Hedges misses the mark by a lot," that's just an assertion that is impossible to evaluate since you offer no specifics. I offer specifics on precisely why Hasan isn't wrong. And then of course I go on to say why Chris is better than Hasan on the Dems and so on. I'm going to be honest, I really don't like standpoint epistemology, I don't like to attribute positions to race and gender but it's just an unavoidable fact that all the considerable total nonsense --- and it is complete moral and empirical nonsense--- that I have been sent arguing for denying the menace/racism/sexism/fascism of and making nice with the Amerikaner Trumpist-fascists (and thinking they are all or mostly proletarians who really want to be socialists - LOL) comes 90 percent or more from older white guys. That's no mere accident. Positionality matters. I know almost nobody who isnt a 45+ white male who buys this BS about the January 6th assholes. :) I repeat, I went beyond Hasan: Black or Muslim Janary 6th rioters wouldn't just have been given longer sentences; they'd have shot down en masse. There's a shit ton of race denialism/racism denialism and racial cluelessness on the whitebro Trumpenleft.

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I am respondiing above to a prolific Trunmpenleftst named Keith P who has been trolling me literally for seven years. I did not know that banning him 4 life meant disappearing his comments, which I would prefer to have stayed up since they illustrate the Trumpenleft disease with perfection.

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